Wednesday 5 November 2014

The Greatest Miracle of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Muhammad (PBUH)  The Prophet of Islam is the most revered, respected, and looked highly upon personality for Muslims. It is a part of Islamic belief to accept and believe in Muhammad (PBUH) being the final Prophet sent by Allah Almighty for the guidance of mankind, after Him there will be no Prophet and the process of sending guidance ended with Him bringing the final Holy Scripture in the form of Quran.

Greatest Miracle of Muhammad S.A.W

Like all other Prophets before Muhammad (PBUH), He also came with numerous miracles, the likes of which the world has neither seen nor witnessed till present and the situation would stay the same till the end of times. However, among His various miracles such as Shab e Miraj (The Isra Night), Splitting of the Moon, etc, if one miracle was to be selected and given prominence over all others, then that miracle will undisputedly be the Holy Quran. The lines below discuss how or why Holy Quran is regarded as the supreme miracle of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

An Overview of Quran:

The Holy Quran is the final Book revealed by Allah Almighty for the guidance of mankind. It was revealed on Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) when He was 40 years old and the process of revelation continued for 23 years when it was finally completed. The Quran in itself is complete and contains all types of guidance that the humans require for the times to come, therefore, this is why it is the final guidance and there will be no Book of guidance till the judgment day.

Proof of Miraculous Nature Of Quran:

Although the miraculous nature of Quran can be proven from various perspectives and regards, however, this writing tends to focus on only three major areas which prove that Quran is a miracle and there is nothing the likes of it which world has ever seen. The lines below explain and discuss those three perspectives.

Linguistic Perspective:

Quran is in Arabic language and within Arabic it adopts the decorated prose style. The time when Quran was revealed, at that time the Arabs were at the peak of their linguistic competence and they were known for their rhetoric and eloquence in speech. Therefore, it was quite natural that if they were to be presented with some Divine scripture, it were to be of a sublime nature in terms of the linguistic features that supersede the language used by masses. Thus, the language of Quran once revealed was such that it was sublime for the Arabs of that time. The sublimity of Quran is also mentioned in Quran itself in the following way:
Produce the like of this Qur'an

“If mankind and the jinn were to gather together to produce the like of this Quran, they could never produce the like thereof, even if they backed up one another.” (17:88)

Since then the claim of Quran stands and neither the Arabs of that day nor the renowned linguists of the present times have been able to produce a single verse like Quran. Therefore, from its linguistic features and ornamentation perspective, Quran stands as a miracle of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the likes of which the world has not witnessed.

Prophecies Perspective:

The other element that proves the miraculous nature of Quran is its prophecies. All the prophecies mentioned in Quran whether they are related to the ages that were before its revelation or the ages to come have not been challenged and all have been accepted by the intellectuals of today.

The best example of the truth of Prophecy of Quran is the incident of Romans getting defeated by Persians mentioned in Quran, while Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was far away from the happenings in Makkah. Allah Almighty sent a revelation telling the Prophet (PBUH) about the defeat of Romans in the following way:
The Romans have been defeated
And after (this) defeat of theirs, they will soon be victorious
Within three to nine years. To Allah belongs the command before and after. And that day the believers will rejoice
The Romans have been defeated   And after (this) defeat of theirs, they will soon be victorious   Within three to nine years. To Allah belongs the command before and after. And that day the believers will rejoice

“…..The Romans have been defeated, in the land close by. And after (this) defeat of theirs, they will soon be victorious within a few years. To Allah belongs the command before and after and on that day the Believers will rejoice in Allah’s help….”  (30:2-4)

The historians have agreed with the fact that at the time of Roman-Persian war Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was no way near the scene and He could have no knowledge of the happenings. Moreover, as Quran mentions the victory to come of the Romans, the historians agree that after the mentioned defeat from Persians, the Romans were so broken and destroyed that no one could think them defeating the Persians in future. However, after seven years of the defeat the Romans started attacking Persians and finally they beat them.

The ayah also mentions the rejoicing of the believers on that day. The historical fact to it is that the day when few Muslims were fighting against the infidels in the Battle of Badr, it was at that day that Romans beat Persians and thus Muslims also ended the day by beating the non-believers. Although there are numerous other prophecies that could be argued and proved, however, this single prophecy rests as one of the best examples of the miraculous nature of Quran.

History And Science Perspective:

Another perspective from which the miraculous nature of Quran can be viewed and analyzed is the perspective of history and science. The first example that proves the truth of the historical incidents of earlier ages reported by Quran is of the incident of Pharaoh. In Quran, Allah Almighty said:
 you had disobeyed [Him]
We will save you
 you had disobeyed [Him]   We will save you

“What Now? And indeed before this you did rebel and were of the corrupt. So this day We shall rescue you with your body that you may be a sign to those who come after you.” (10:91-92)

This ayah points to the confession of Pharaoh when he was drowning in river Nile. In this ayah Allah mentions that He rescued his body so that it can be put as a sign to the people to come. No one before this revelation and centuries after this revelation knew that the body of Pharaoh was preserved until the recent century. Thus, the historical narration of Quran was proven true after centuries.

In Quran, Allah Almighty says:
Exalted is He who created all pairs

“Glorified be He Who created pairs of all things which the earth grows, and of themselves (humans), and of that which they know not.” (36:36)

In this ayah, Allah Almighty mentioned 1400 years ago a scientific fact that has been proven by science in the recent years. Although everyone is aware of the fact that every living species in this world is in the form of pairs – male and female, however, the other things in the world which humans previously did not know are also in pair, the best example of which is the positive and negative charges in the form of electron and proton. Therefore, the modern day science has now started to prove what Quran mentioned fourteen hundred years ago, which refers to the miraculous nature of Quran.


Although for a Muslim there is no doubt in the miraculous nature of Quran as for Muslims it is the complete source of guidance and enlightenment from every point of view. However, if a non-believer assesses Quran with an objective point of view, he or she will also reach the same conclusion that Quran is the greatest miracle of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

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Author & Editor

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