Wednesday 5 November 2014

The Perspective Of Islam Regarding Environment And Its Preservation

All the philosophical and ideological debates of this world, whether it be feminism, humanism, environmentalism and so an are considered to be the product of West and their origins can be traced to no more than once century ago. However, the opinion is slightly distorted, as there is another authority regarding all the present philosophies as well that gave its framework about fourteen hundred years ago. That authority is of Holy Quran.

Besides the rights and roles of women, the rules of economic system, the liberation of the slaves and other matters about which Islam took stand, one of the major areas of of the Islamic teachings is going green of the protection and care of environment.

The Western world came across the issue of deteriorating environmental situation not more than fifty years ago and then it realized that environment needs to be protected and saved for the survival of human race. On the other hand, Islam gave its opinion and view regarding the protection, saving and restoration of environment, moreover, this environmental aspect was not merely worldly, rather it was associated with religious benefits so that Muslims could pursue and ensure it with their heart.

The lines below discuss the standing of Islam on environment and the different aspects of environment about which Islam has spoken.

In Quran, Allah Almighty says:
importance of cleanliness

“Behold! In the creation of the heavens and the earth: in the alternation of the night and the day: in the sailing of the ships through the ocean for the profit of mankind: in the rain which God sends down from the skies, and the life which He gives therewith to an earth that is dead: in the beasts of all kinds that He scatters through the earth: in the change of the winds and the clouds subjugated between the sky and earth – [here] indeed are signs for the people who think.” (2:164)

This ayah is one of the ayahs in which Allah Almighty has explained the surroundings of humankind and the environment they live in. From this ayah, it can be deduced that all the things in the surrounding of humans, the winds, the clouds, the sea, the barren earth and everything else which is regarded as environment is a creation of Allah Almighty. Therefore, protecting the environment is actually protecting the creation of Allah Almighty which is perhaps one of the noblest deeds a Muslim can undertake.

With regards to the current aspect of environmentalism, it entails four major components. The first one is the general cleanliness, the second is the protection and ensuring of greenery, the third is related to animals while the fourth one is the protection of resources of the world. The lines below discuss these elements in the light of Quran and hadith.

General Cleanliness:

The lack of observing cleanliness is one of the major causes behind pollution and general deterioration of environment. Islam is a strong proponent of cleanliness and wants its followers to observe cleanliness in every regard whether it is spiritual, personal, physical and so on. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said in one of His hadiths:

“Allah is pure and likes purity, He is clean and likes cleanliness, he is generous and likes generosity, he is hospitable and loves hospitality, so clean your courtyards.” (Tirmidhi)

From this hadith it is clear that cleanliness and purity are the characteristics of Allah Almighty, hence when a Muslim observes these within himself and in the surroundings, he is actually doing something that is loved by Allah Almighty. Hence, the prevention of pollution is evident from this hadith of Prophet (PBUH) which He further asserted in the following way in another hadith:

“Cleanliness is half of belief.” (Muslim)


The other aspect of environmentalism encouraged and commended in Islam is the ensuring of a green environment. Islam is greatly in favor of the sowing and growing of trees so that the environment could stay healthy and humans could benefit from such kind of sowing.

Prophet (PBUH) said:

“If you have a sapling, if you have the time, be certain to plant it, even if Doomsday starts to break forth.” (al-Munawi)

No other worldly environmental law can present the importance and imperativeness of plantation as does this hadith of Prophet (PBUH). Hence, for a Muslim it is of grave importance to pay attention towards plantation even in the most dire circumstances.

In another hadiht, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

“Whoever reclaims and cultivates dry, barren land will be rewarded by God for the act. So long as men and animals benefit from it He will record it for him as almsgiving.” (al-Munawi)

Thus, this hadith shows that how Islam has associated protection and preservation of plantation and environment with reward. Hence, when a Muslim sows and grows a tree, it is not just the environmental benefits that come from it, rather there is reward for it as well that awaits in the world hereafter.

Animal Protection:

Prophet (PBUH) said:

“If without good reason anyone kills a sparrow, or a creature lesser than that even, the living creature will put his plaint to God on the Day of Judgment, saying : ‘So-and-so killed me for no purpose.” (Nasai)

Therefore, this hadith gives sufficient proof about the care and protection Islam provides to animals, hence, when a Muslim takes care of animals, he or she is actually preserving and protecting a crucial component of the ecology, in addition to being at a better place in the eyes of Allah Almighty in the world hereafter.

Avoiding Waste Of Resources:

The resources of this earth are limited and one of the major reason that the environmental health of the world is depleting is the fact that the resources are being wasted, water being the evident example of it. In Quran, Allah Almighty says:
significance of cleanliness in Islamic perspectives

“O children of Adam! Wear your beautiful apparel at every time and place of prayer, eat and drink, but waste not by excess, for God loves not the wasters.” (7:31)

Therefore, if a person wastes the resources, he or she is definitely not in the good books of Allah Almighty. When a person utilizes the resources in their due limits and does not exceed the requirement in their use, then he or she is protecting the environment from depleting in addition to achieving a better position in the court of Allah Almighty.


In a nutshell, Islam is the greatest proponent of protection of environment, and in every aspect of it concerned with environment one can easily find evident instructions through Islamic and Qurani teachings where it has been commended to the followers to protect the environment they live in so that they could live in a better place and leave a better place for people to come.

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