Friday 20 February 2015

How to Remove Uric Acid From Joints?

How to Remove Uric Acid From Joints?

Are you aware that cucumber juice helps bring down body temperature, is highly alkalizing and effective for removing uric acid crystalization in joints, like with gout. There may be a slight pain when drinking this juice – a sign of healing it is the stirring of the old toxins to be eliminated. The celery and ginger will help reduce inflammation during the cleansing. Perfect combo! 

A recent study found that a diet rich in acidic foods increases uric acid levels in the body, leading to conditions such as gout (form of arthritis), joint pain, and uric acid crystallization.

He was suddenly jolted from his sleep by a sharp and throbbing pain in his left foot. He looked down to see that his big toe was extremely swollen and red, so tender and sore that even the lightest friction from the bed sheet was too much to bear. This was becoming a common occurrence in his life, a highly inconvenient one at that.

Wendy could barely function at work. She struggled to even finish her morning coffee for fear of having to go to the bathroom, for every time she did, she would nearly pass out from the immense pain shooting through her belly and pubic area. This was her second case of kidney stones in the same year.

If you or somebody you know is suffering from kidney issues, joint pain, or a condition known as gout, then you probably know how unfortunate it is to experience a lower quality of life at the hands of a debilitating ailment.

According to Global RPH, approximately 2 million people suffer from gout, a form or arthritis, 75-90% of which are men. Gout has been known to lead to painful conditions such as kidney stones due to the build up of uric acid in the blood or urine.

Although there are multiple factors which can lead to high levels of uric acid in the body, a recent study suggests that uric acid build-up can be linked to one substantial factor an acidic diet. The study explores the theory that by introducing a more alkaline diet to the body, one can effectively lower uric acid levels, thereby reducing instances of gout and other kidney and joint related issues.

What The Scientific Evidence States
The study enrolled a group of healthy female students, who had no medical problems at their regular physical examinations provided by the university, in a back-to-back 5-day study which compared urine samples from a high-protein, less vegetable/fruit laden diet (acidic) to a low-protein, high-vegetable/fruit diet (alkaline).

Researchers measured the total volume of urine, the pH, levels of organic acids, creatinine, uric acid, and titratable acid, as well as all cations (Na+,K+,Ca2+,Mg2+,NH4+) and anions (Cl−,SO42−,PO4−) necessary for the estimation of acid–base balance.

The study noted a linear relationship between higher acidic serum levels and the metabolic degradation of materials being consumed (diet).  Uric acid in the serum was higher in the acidic group than in the alkaline group, therefore from these observations, it is considered that uric acid may be reabsorbed more actively in acidic urine than in alkaline urine where it is more actively excreted.

Conclusion & What To Eat For Alkalinity
According to the study, high protein foods (rich in amino acids) were prone to acidic by-products. This included meat, eggs, and some dairy products such as butter. Furthermore, foods such as corn, alcohol, sugar, salad oils, and mayo were also found to produce acidic by-products in the body.

On the flip side, here are the foods that produced alkaline conditions in the body:  Green leafy vegetables, pumpkin, miso, basil, cucumber, cabbage, kiwi, pineapple, mushrooms, yams, vinegar, walnuts, bell peppers, and more. (For more info, see appendix)

Researchers also noted that since the study was conducted exclusively on female students, experiments of the same kind need to be performed on male students, on older populations and also on people with hyperuricemia at baseline for generalization of dietary intervention.

Bottom line: Dietary intervention is one of the best choices in preventing conditions caused by uric acid build-up such as gout and joint pain, and an alkaline rich diet is an effective way to go about preventing these types of disorders.

Herbs to Dissolve Uric Acid
Acidic diets rich in purines, which are commonly found in organ meats, aged cheese, shellfish, mushrooms and wine, promote the formation and precipitation of uric acid crystals. Uric acid crystals can collect in the kidneys to form stones, or they can become deposited within joints and cause a painful, arthritic-like condition called gout. Uric acid crystals are sharp and cause pain and inflammation in surrounding tissues. Some herbs are effective at dissolving and removing uric acid crystals from the body.

Fresh Lemon Juice
Drinking fresh lemon juice can prevent gout attacks or reduce the inflammatory reaction by stimulating the formation of calcium carbonate within the body, as cited in "Biochemical, Physiological and Molecular Aspects of Human Nutrition." Calcium carbonate neutralizes acids within the blood, including excess uric acid that lead to gout attacks in joints such as the big toe.

Fresh lemon juice is also an excellent source of vitamin C, which strengthens the connective tissues around joints and minimizes damage done by the sharp uric acid crystals. Further, the citric acid within lemon act as a solvent for the crystals and dissolves them, lowering serum uric acid levels.

Burdock Root
Burdock root is a prominent traditional herbal remedy for a variety of arthritis types, including acute gout attacks. Due to burdock roots abilities to clean the bloodstream of toxins, reduce inflammation and promote the excretion of urine, which contains uric acid, it is considered an effective folk remedy for gout, according to "The Essential Book of Herbal Medicine." A common recommended dosage is 20 to 30 drops of burdock root tincture mixed in 8 oz. of water, three to four times a day for a few days.

Devil's Claw
Devil's claw is a natural anti-inflammatory commonly used to treat the symptoms of various types of arthritis, including gout. Devil's claw is able to dissolve and reduce the levels of uric acid within the bloodstream. A common recommended dosage of Devil's claw is 500 to 750 mg, three times daily, while suffering from an acute gout attack.

Alfalfa Sprouts
Alfalfa is not only a rich source of numerous vitamins and minerals, but it also reduces serum uric acid levels. Further, alfalfa has a powerful alkalizing affect within the body, raising pH levels and dissolving uric acid crystals, which is an effective way of preventing gout attacks, as cited in "Medical Herbalism." In general, uric acid stays dissolved in alkaline, or basic, fluids within the body.

Sour Black Cherries
Fresh black cherries and cherry juice concentrate are popular remedies for gout and kidney stones made from uric acid. Black cherries lower serum levels of uric acid and contribute to dissolving the precipitated crystals within gouty joints and kidney stones, according to "Biochemistry of Human Nutrition." Sour cherries also have an alkalizing effect on the blood and tissues, similar to alfalfa and lemon juice.

Further, most cherries contain an enzyme that neutralizes uric acid and most are high in anthocyanins, which are strong antioxidants and anti-inflammatories, as cited in "Advanced Nutrition: Macronutrients, Micronutrients and Metabolism." The amount of cherries usually recommended to control a gout attack is between 1/2 dozen and 2 dozen daily.

*1 medium-sized cucumber
*2 ribs of celery
*A slice of lemon
*1-inch young ginger root

*Prepare the ingredients. Clean them thoroughly first. You can use a vegetable wash.
*Cut the cucumber into smaller pieces based on the capacity of your juicer.
*Also prepare the celery ribs making sure that there is no accumulation of dirt.
*Cut the lemon into half. You can put the other one in the fridge.
*Then carve out the ginger root.
* There may be a slight pain when drinking this juice a sign of healing it is the stirring of the old toxins to be eliminated.

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