What is blackhead?
Blocked pores and oily skin can certainly be a nuisance, but the goods news is that there are a variety of homemade face masks for blackheads that you can whip up in your very own kitchen. Not only will these masks get rid of blackheads but they can also firm your skin, resulting in increased tightness and improved texture.
When those ugly irritating blackheads ruined my skin, I had to go for some homemade face masks specially meant to tame those blackheads to get back that glowing skin I earlier had. If you’re looking forward to get rid of them naturally, read up on!
Don’t go on squeezing with your fingertips those black things one after the other that have conquered your face. This may be a quick and easy (and mostly ineffective) way to get rid of blackheads, but they will soon return to their original place. So, what is the best way to remove blackheads? What is the root of this problem? You may have taken infinite treatments to cure them medically by visiting dermatologists, but the problem still remains the same. Lack of self care. The permanent solution to it is applying homemade face masks for pimples and blackheads, regular application of which has the potential to eradicate these blemishes forever. However, I always prefer discussing the causes before treatment.Let us have a fleeting glimpse of blackheads and its causes, before getting onto the facial mask remedies.
Causes of Blackheads:
Whoopee! Homemade facial masks is what I can vouch the most on. I never knew things like cucumber, honey and lemon could be used in making facial masks to treat those innumerable skin problems. Astonished to see these eatables in the treatment of blemishes! This is what the power of nature is. With easily made facial masks having all ingredients to naturally cure your skin, why go for those expensive and toxic beauty products to get rid of the blemishes? Having categorized them for all types of skin, allow me to share some easy homemade masks for your blackhead-prone face which are no less than a magic wand.
For Dry Skin:
Honey and Egg Face Mask: Honey is considered as the most natural astringent that effectively moisturizes your skin. All you’ve got to do is separate the yolk from an egg, and mix the yolk with just 1 tablespoon of honey. Stir it to make it smooth and flowing, and apply it. Leaving it for approximately fifteen minutes, and rinsing off will give you that glowing skin in the nick of time. Thanks to honey!
For Oily Skin:
Lemon and Oatmeal Facial Mask: You need a blender to mix one cup of oatmeal and one teaspoon of lemon juice. You could also use a tablespoon of yogurt to make a paste of it. Blend the mixture properly and apply it all over the face, except for the eye area. Leave it for some fifteen minutes, and rinse off with warm water. The key purpose of using lemon is that, the citric acid content in it tightens the skin, thus, removing blackheads in good order.
For Combination Skin:
Revitalizing Mask:
This one is considered as one of the best face masks for blackheads and pimples, chiefly because of its vitamin content. If you aren’t satisfied with vegetables, you could make this mask with the help of 1 capsule each of vitamins E, D, and A, along with 1 tablespoon of yeast. Squeeze the contents of all the capsules with a pin-prick, and mix them well with yeast. Apply it, and leave it on the face for 30 minutes. Rinse off, and stop worrying. A few applications of this face mask on a daily basis is a terrific remedy to get rid of blackheads naturally.
Nature may be a bit on the slower side, but it is acknowledged for its unfailing solutions for all problems. The face masks for blackheads discussed here may not chuck the blackheads out in a single go, but they make sure that the blackheads do not return to their original place. I am not totally averse to skin treatment products available in the market, but when every inch of your skin is more than sensitive, why not let the nature prove its guts?
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