And while those things are great, you actually don't necessarily have to leave your living room to feel happier. Considering your house is basically a sanctuary from the world, it makes sense to make your space a spot that's really positive and uplifting.
If you're looking for ways to be happier at home, scroll through our list of ideas that are sure to make a difference in your life.
Picking the right paint color can really boost your mood. If you're looking for some energy, try a red, orange or purple. For a dose of happiness head straight for the greens and yellows.
Traditional Kitchen:
Home Improvement Projects You're bound to feel good once you accomplish something around the house. In addition to boosting your confidence, you'll also take care of a pesky problem that was either annoying you or disturbing your peace.
Cleaning & Organizing:
There's no denying that a de-cluttered house is a de-cluttered mind. Keeping the space clean and tidy won't just save you time, it also creates a more serene setting. Author Gretchen Rubin says that you'll feel a significant mood change by doing something as small as making your bed.
Photographs/Sentimental Items:
If there is a place, person, animal or product that evokes happiness for you, try to take a photo and display it in your home. If you're planning a trip that's months a way, put a reminder of it somewhere. Just looking at these things will make you feel better and allow you to take a break from the stresses of the world.
Eating At A Table Seriously:
It's super depressing when you have to eat lunch at your desk at work so don't do it at home. And, if you can, don't eat alone. So many amazing experiences and exchanges happen around a dinner table. Even if you're living alone, put a place setting and eat with real silverware you deserve it.
Do Something Nice For A Neighbor Or Roommate:
Professor Adam Grant suggests the "Five-Minute Favor" ideas from Adam Rifkin. You don't have to spend all day watching someone's dog, but maybe take the pooch for a walk, bring over some soup when they're sick or just bring their UPS packages inside when it rains. They'll feel good, you'll feel good. Everyone wins.
Okay, you might have to leave your house for this one, but according to a poll by Gardeners' World Magazine, people who gardened for more than six hours a week rated their wellbeing at 87 percent. If you don't have a garden, try putting fresh cut flowers in a vase for almost the same impact.
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