Saturday, 29 November 2014

Lovely uses for lemons

Lovely uses for lemons
The lemon is such a kitchen staple. We use it to flavor our morning tea, to add a kick to a glass of water, and to liven up recipe upon recipe, but the lemon’s uses go far past just that. Today I want to shed some light on a few you might not be aware of  and I ask you to do the same! Here are twenty three of my favorite uses of lemons, and some benefits, too.

Lemons. What a bright, fresh scent that just sings “wake up, feel refreshed!” This attribute must be why I often think of lemon’s scent on hot sticky days. I expect it goes along with the appeal of a cold glass of lemonade. Besides adding lemons to drinks there are a number of ways to use lemons in the home.

Like vinegar, much of lemon’s gift is that it is an acid. It smells much fresher than vinegar, which is fermented. (You’d be surprised how many people write to me saying that they truly don’t like the smell of vinegar.) As an acid, lemon juice provides the benefits of vinegar, such as being a very good antiseptic killer of mold, germs, and bacteria.

What better time to learn some of these household hints during the heat of the summer when you and your family can receive a bright aromatherapy boost from the scent? Here are tips for using lemons for hair spray, cleaning metal, freshening the air, cleansing your skin, lightening your hair, and more.


1)LubricantLemon oil is renowned as being very lubricating, which is why it is so often used on furniture.

Lemon juice is a great choice for deodorizing counters, cutting boards, and more. The acid in lemon juice kills mold, bacteria, and germs. While not a 100 percent kill rate, you can’t sterilize your house anyway, so if you look at lemon juice as a solidly good deodorizer you will turn to it when you aren’t needing a hospital-level disinfectant job.
Using leftover lemon and lime rinds in the garbage disposal is a great way to deodorize this apparatus, which so often can give off an odor.

3)Glass and China Cleaner
The acid in lemon juice will break down the alkaline minerals found in hard water. It will also work on stains. Make a solution of ½ water and ½ lemon juice and place in the glass, letting the solution set there for a few hours before washing as usual.

4)Air FreshenerSimmer sliced lemons in water. I like to use 2-3 lemons to about 4 cups of water. Simmer for a few hours, replacing water as needed.

5)Microwave Cleaner
Just put a slice or two of lemon in a cup of water and put in the microwave for 30 seconds on high. Use a cloth to clean dry. You can substitute a tablespoon or so of lemon juice with water.

6)Metal Cleaner
An acid like lemon juice works wonders for cleaning metals such as chrome, copper, and brass. There are myriad ways to get the lemon juice onto the metal, from simply rubbing the metal with a cut lemon (use the majority of the juice for a salad dressing), to mixing lemon juice with salt for a bit of an abrasive.

7)WhitenerLemon juice and the sun combined proves to whiten clothes, hair, and more. I like to soak grey clothes in some water and lemon juice (add ½ a cup of lemon juice to a small load of laundry and let it soak, agitating occasionally, before rinsing and hanging on the line on sunny days).

8)Soap Scum/Shower Stalls
Soap is very alkaline and when it combines with hard water minerals it tends to form soap scum that can then coat shower stalls, bathtubs, and sinks. Acids cut through this soap scum. I’d suggest using lemon juice straight on a sponge and wash it onto the soap scum, let set for a few hours, and then rinse.

9)Mineral Buildup/Scale
Minerals are very alkaline and the acid of lemon juice cuts through and dissolves the minerals. Known as scale, mineral buildup frequently gets hard and in particular resides around faucets. Pour straight lemon juice on a washcloth or clean cloth. Lay the cloth over the scale and let set for a few hours before rinsing and cleaning the area.


10)Alpha Hydroxy Acid
Freshly squeezed lemon juice on my face is one of the best facials I have ever given myself. Lemon is a natural alpha hydroxyl acid and works like a charm to remove dead skin cells. Add some carrot juice for some vitamin A and you have something as good as found in any spa!

The solvents in most commercial hairspray could light your hair on fire if you were ever near an open flame, so I recommend you make this lemon-based natural hair spray at home, instead!

12)Hair Lightener
How many Saturdays I spent on the front lawn in the summer, my hair rinsed full of lemon juice, lying in the sun for a few hours, hoping to lighten my brown tresses. Squeeze ½ cup of lemon juice into a container with a spout, pour on your hair, work it through, and set in the sun until it is fully dry and then wash as usual. Make sure not to get the lemon juice in your eyes!

13)Skin Lightener
Dab freshly squeezed, straight lemon juice on dark spots like “liver spots” that you want to remove. Let it fully dry and then rinse.

14) As an exfoliator.
 Lemons are a natural exfoliant, meaning they help to slough off dead skin from the topmost layer, leaving your skin smooth and refreshed. I love concocting a homemade body scrub using olive oil, granulated sugar, and a little dash of lemon juice. You can use this as a lip scrub, too! Always be very careful when applying lemon to the skin, as it can cause irritation or photo sensitivity. Just a tad is all you need!

15)To lighten and brighten nails.
Lemons are a necessary ingredient when giving yourself an at-home manicure. Add 4 tablespoons lemon juice and 2 tablespoons honey into a bowl of warm water, and soak your fingertips for about 5 minutes. For added brightness, follow by rubbing a lemon-soaked cotton ball over your nails a few times. Then rinse.

16)As home decor. 
I love the way a bowl of lemons looks sitting atop a dining room table. I wouldn’t recommend buying lemons just to use as decor, but it’s a lovely added use for them in the interim before using them for something else!

17)To freshen breath. 
If you’re in need of a quick freshener and don’t have access to a toothbrush, a lemon should do the trick! Simply swish a bit of water mixed with lemon juice in your mouth for 30 seconds, or chew on a lemon slice. Easy as that.
Known to calm fears and lift depression, adding a few drops of pure lemon oil to a diffuser is considered to be a good tip for when someone is experiencing these symptoms.

18)As a face toner. 
Lemon is a refreshing ingredient to add to a face toner, like this awesome lemon fennel face toner. Just be sure to dilute it with enough water, as lemons can cause irritation or photo sensitivity.

19)To brighten your white clothes.
 Lemon is a great way to get the cleaning affects of bleach naturally on your white clothes. Just add a cup of lemon juice into your washing machine along with your normal detergent, and watch it work its magic.

20)To aid digestion and support immunity.
 Drinking a glass of warm lemon water first thing every morning does wonders for digestion and immunity, as well as to detox the body, and so much more. Read more about the benefits of lemon water here!

21)To eliminate odors. 
If you’ve got a strange smell in your refrigerator or other contained space, place a lemon peel or a lemon-soaked cotton ball in the area. The air will be refreshed in no time. Here are some other ideas for natural air fresheners, too!

22)To keep your guac from browning. 
The citric acid in lemons can help slow the oxidation process in certain fruits and vegetables, so add it to your guacamole! I also like to soak apple slices in lemon juice before adding them to a salad for this very reason.

23)To highlight hair.
 Lemons have long been used as a way to bring out natural highlights in the hair. Here’s some more info on how to lighten hair naturally, and look out for Jana’s recipe for a natural hair lightening spray coming to the blog this week!

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