Tuesday, 30 December 2014

10 Unique Uses For Used Tea Bags

10 Unique Uses For Used Tea Bags

Tea is chock-full of antioxidants that repair cellular damage, which leads to wrinkles and disease. That’s why it seems such a shame to throw out a tea bag after it’s served its purpose; surely the magic that lies in each pouch has use beyond the beverage realm? As it turns out, the last place we should throw used tea bags is in the trash at least not immediately, anyway. There are multiple ways to heal health ailments and spruce up our beauty regimens, homes, and even gardens with the help of a brewed tea bag or two.

Tea has been a valued resource for thousands of years. It’s been used in ancient systems of medicine, and we know today that it has numerous health benefits. However, many people think that the benefits of tea are limited to drinking it. As it turns out, there are a variety of uses for the goodness that remains in your used tea bags.

1.treating sunburns:
Allow the tea bags to cool after steeping, then place them on sunburns and minor burns (including razor burn) for relief. If the majority of your skin needs tending, brew a tea bath and submerge yourself in the cooled-off water.

1. Soothing Burns:
Place a cooled tea bag on burns for about 20 minutes. The tannins and cooling properties of the tea will help reduce pain and speed healing.

2. Bug Bites and Contact Dermatitis:
Tea possesses anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties that soothe these bites and help to reduce itching, redness and swelling. Place a used bag over the areas for ten minutes.

3. Bleeding or Painful Gums:
Bleeding and painful gums can be treated by placing a used tea bag on the affected area in your mouth. Tannins, natural chemicals found in tea, have styptic and analgesic effects.
Alleviate sore or bleeding gums by putting a cooled, used tea bag over the problem spot. Tannins constrict blood vessels, which will stop the bleeding, and they reduce the swollen tissues that cause soreness.

4. Eye Styes:
To minimize swelling and encourage drainage and healing, place a warm tea bag over the stye for about 15 minutes three times daily. The tannins have an antibacterial effect that help kill the infection.

5. Dying Cloth:
Did you know you can use your spent tea bags to give white cloth than antique look? Just drop them into some boiling water to extract the remaining tea and soak the cloth in it for a few hours.

6. Shinier Hair:
If you’re tired of dull, lifeless hair, try using tea bags. Re-brew them to make a weak tea, let it cool and pour it over your hair as a post-shampoo rinse.
Rinsing hair with a cup of tea can make it shiny and easier to manage. Do this only if you’ve got darker hair, though; tea can temporarily dye light hairs.

7. Chemical-Free Highlights:
Your used tea bags are an ideal way to achieve chemical-free highlights if you have light-colored hair. Simply make a tea from re-brewed bags and soak your hair with it regularly.
If you have light hair and want a natural change of color, rinsing with tea water on a regular basis could add a few fun highlights. It’ll be more subtle than dramatic, unless your hair is very fair.

8. Malodorous Feet:
To beat smelly feet, steep your old tea bags in warm water and soak your feet in it for 20 minutes daily. The tannins kill odor-causing bacteria and fungi.
Make your feet smell sweet by soaking them in a steeped-tea bath for 20 minutes every day. Use black tea to conquer particularly bad odors. The astringency in tea closes up the sweat-emitting pores that create the smell in the first place, and the tannins kill stinky bacteria.

9. Natural Toner:
Just like a store-bought facial toner, tea is an astringent. Wet a used tea bag, wipe down your problem areas and pat your face dry.
Need a quick substitute for facial toner? The aforementioned astringency makes our faces less greasy, so quickly wipe a tea bag over your trouble zones and then blot with a clean towel.

10. Super Compost:
Tea super-charges compost by accelerating the breakdown of plant matter. Just tear the bags open and dump the contents into your compost heap.
heal a bruise

11. heal a bruise:
Put a soaked tea bag on a bruise to heal it faster. Ruptured capillaries, the smallest blood vessels in the body, create bruises. Since tannins constrict blood vessels, they stop the leaking that causes discoloration.

12. shrink a wart:
It’s said that the tannic acid in tea shrinks warts, possibly because of its bacteria-fighting properties. To try this method, put a warm tea bag on the wart for 10 minutes per day, a few times per day. The wart should shrink after a couple of days.

13.reduce undereye dark circles:
 You can use the same method above to reduce undereye dark circles, too. Dark circles are a form of bruising, which means that tannins can alleviate them in the same way.

14.cleaning wood furniture:
Wipe down wood furniture and surfaces with a clean washcloth or rag dipped in cooled tea water. Pat dry with another cloth.

15.remove refrigerator odors:
Take the odors out of refrigerators and ashtrays by placing a used tea bag in them to soak up offensive smells.

Tea makes a great beverage, but it’s also great for a wealth of health and beauty purposes, too. Try using old tea bags for any of the above purposes and discover what a difference they can make.

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