Friday 5 December 2014

12 Ways to Stay Cheerful during the Dull Weather

12 Ways to Stay Cheerful during the Dull Weather

Have you ever noticed how bad weather seems to drag the spirit down with it? There's nothing you can do about the weather, but there are various things you can do to keep your spirits up until spring.

Whether you are suffering from seasonal affective disorder or not, a dull weather can make any person feel cranky, sad and blah. My mood highly depends on weather, which causes me a lot of discomfort and nuisance. People who have a bad mood tend to stay in bed all day long, they have a poor appetite or tendency to overeat. However, we can’t avoid overcast days and drizzly mornings so we need to learn how to stay cheerful no matter the weather. Below is the list of the ways to stay cheerful during the dull weather. Take a look, see what you think and hopefully you will learn to stay positive no matter what.

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) :
is a type of depression that has a seasonal pattern.
The episodes of depression tend to occur at the same time each year, usually during the winter.
As with other types of depression, the two main symptoms of SAD are a low mood and a lack of interest in life. You may also be less active than normal and sleep more.

What causes Seasonal affective disorder ?
The exact cause of SAD isn't fully understood, but it's thought to be linked to reduced exposure to sunlight during the shorter days of the year.

Sunlight can affect some of the brain's chemicals and hormones. However, it's not clear what this effect is. One theory is that light stimulates a part of the brain called the hypothalamus, which controls mood, appetite and sleep. These things can affect how you feel.

In people with SAD, a lack of sunlight and a problem with certain brain chemicals stops the hypothalamus working properly. The lack of light is thought to affect the:

*production of the hormone melatonin
*production of the hormone serotonin
*body's circadian rhythm (its internal clock, which regulates several biological processes during a 24-   hour period)

Diagnosing Seasonal affective disorder:
You should visit your GP if you have the symptoms of SAD. They may carry out an assessment to check your mental health.
Your GP may ask you about your mood, lifestyle, eating habits and sleeping patterns, plus any seasonal changes in your thoughts and behaviour.
Read more about diagnosing seasonal affective disorder.

Treating Seasonal affective disorder:
As with any type of depression, SAD can be difficult to live with. It can make you feel tired, stressed and unhappy. However, it can usually be treated successfully.
Light therapy is often used to treat SAD. It involves sitting in front of or beneath a light box that produces a very bright light. Light boxes come in a variety of designs, including desk lamps and wall-mounted fixtures.
You should speak to your GP and read the manufacturer's instructions before using a light box to treat SAD.

Depending on the nature and severity of your symptoms, talking therapies such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) or medication such as antidepressants may also be recommended.
Your GP will recommend the most suitable treatment programme for you, which may involve using a combination of treatments.

Who is affected by Seasonal affective disorder ?
It's estimated that SAD affects about 2 million people in the UK, and more than 12 million people across world.
Like other types of depression, SAD is more common in women than in men, with up to three times more women than men affected.
The symptoms of SAD are most likely to develop in people aged 18 to 30.
1.Surround yourself with positive people:
If you are highly influenced by weather, try to stay away from people who always have something to complain about. High-maintenance people tend to load us with their problems and whims. When the weather is dull and you have a terrible mood, surround yourself with positive people who can make you laugh or at least smile. Positive attitude is infectious and smiles are inspiring.

2. Use the power of color:
In fall and winter most people try to wrap themselves in black colors, which is utterly wrong! Nothing can discourage you faster than dark clothes on a dull autumn day. Color therapy is a very powerful weapon against low spirit and depression, so give bright colors a try. Who says red, yellow and pink are summer trends only? Add a splash of lively colors to your look by wearing your brightest blouse, vibrant earrings or indulge yourself with bold cherry lipstick.

3. Add more light:
Another crucial factor that can affect your mood and well-being is light. The level of vitamin D and serotonin directly depends on the amount of light you get. Lack of light, however, can cause apathy, weakness and sleepiness. Sure, you cannot get more natural light on a dull day, but you can considerably improve lighting at your workplace and at home. Make the space brighter with various types of light sources like ambient lighting and spot lighting.

4. Play with your pet:
The fact that pet owners are generally more cheerful and happier is obvious. Cats and dogs are real mood boosters; they give tons of positive emotions along with the feeling of fulfillment and pleasure. Whenever you feel down, take your dog for a walk or cuddle your cat! If you don’t have a fluffy friend, take a walk to the nearest pet store and admire those little hamsters, puppies and kittens! Maybe, it’s time to adopt or buy a pet, who knows?

5. Shake up your body:
When the weather makes you feel blue, you can feel an irresistible desire to curl up under warm blankets and sleep all day long. Physical activity, however, is the best way to stay upbeat and cheerful no matter what. Workouts boost the level of hormones that help improve your mood and mindset. You don’t have to go to the gym, though. Look around and find something to do at home. Dancing to a loud music while cleaning and walking up and down the stairs are good options to consider.

6.Prep a big cup of hot chocolate:
Can you name anything more pleasing than your favorite beverage served up in a big cup? Chocolate is recognized as a serotonin stimulator and the major source of antioxidants. These agents induce the feeling of satisfaction and help combat depression. While it may be unhealthy, I love to start my day with a cup of hot chocolate and biscuits from time to time.

7. Make use of the Internet:
The Internet is an amazing source of positive emotions and inspiration! I’m not an Internet junkie and I don’t feel like distracting from the reality when I feel down. But every now and then I love searching for some uplifting stuff like fun images, comedy films or cute animal videos. Watching a motivating, joyful movie or reading a good story is another great way to stay cheerful during a bad weather. However, make sure you avoid social media.

8. Compose your own book of inspiring quotes:
Collecting inspirational quotes and sayings has been my passion and hobby since my childhood! Every time I look through numerous pages covered with smart, fun and witty quotations, I really feel better. Right words can cure your mind and improve your thoughts when you feel down. Consider creating your own inspirational board to turn to each time you feel dispirited.

9. Indulge yourself with a long, hot shower:
This is my favorite way to enhance my mind and body! While cold shower is a bit stressful and uncomfortable, hot temperatures are absolutely relaxing and soothing. Soaking in a steamy hot tub filled with tasty fragrances of essential oils is also a good way to boost your spirit and feel better. Thus, whenever you feel down, go to the bathroom and just wash that blues away!
10.Find things to enjoy about winter:
A snowy, icy, cold, or rainy world can be beautiful and often has sounds and smells all its own. If you're an artist, photographer, or craftsperson, winter provides a great deal of inspiration and different colors to work with. Even if you don't feel that creative, simply watching a winter scene from the comfort of your home can be a pleasant way to relax and enjoy the peace.

11.Layer up:
Layering kit is the tried-and-tested strategy for maintaining and regulating body temperature, but your layers need to be breathable and wicking so they trap heat, not sweat (manmade fabrics like nylon and polypropylene are your best bet, though some natural ones, such as merino wool, work too). But don't overdo it - you'll warm up far more running than you will walking or cycling. With blood being shunted to the working muscles, your extremities are particularly vulnerable to the cold, making gloves and a hat winter essentials. Again, a pre-warming on the radiator works wonders. I find winter cycling gloves a good option if it's really chilly (they're designed to keep a non-moving body part warm). If it's only moderately cold, a top with long arms and thumbholes gives some warmth without committing you to coverage for the whole run.

12.Stay hydrated:
With no visible evidence that you are sweating, it's easy to forget about hydration when you're running on colder days. While sweat rates are obviously lower, I recommend carrying fluid with you on runs of an hour or more. I discovered the allure of hot Gatorade on an open-water swimming trip and have used it on many a wintry run since.

It’s difficult not to pay attention to the terrible weather, but our spirits cannot depend on the weather that much. When you feel that you need some kind of pick-me-up, make use of my go-to tips and stay cheerful regardless of the weather outside. You’ll be much happier if you learn to control your mood. What’s your secret of a good mood during the dull weather?

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