Thursday 11 December 2014

Basic Beauty Tips For Face You Should Definitely Follow

Basic Beauty Tips For Face You Should Definitely Follow

Basic Beauty Tips For Face

If you want brighter skin, it is very important to take care of the various aspects of skin care. As there are several things to cover, we have divided the article into various sub sections for your convenience. Feel free to skip to the section that is relevant to you.

*Beauty Tips Based on Your Skin Tone:

Different skin types have different needs and endure different problems. It is important to identify your skin tone and take necessary action.

1. Beauty tips for oily skin:
This is the most troublesome skin type to have. The troubles are countless, but when maintained right, this skin type can have a certain glow and charm that is breath taking.

The common problems include coarse skin with enlarged visible pores and a dull appearance due to the over production of oil in the skin. This in turn gives a shiny and greasy sheen. Frequent acne and blemishes, blackheads, white heads and dark spots are also some of the common problems of oily skin.
Simple tips:
Maintain a healthy diet including lots of raw veggies and fruits; avoid oily and junk food.
Always keep your face clean. This helps in keeping away excessive oiliness and acne.

2. Beauty tips for dry skin:
If you think oily skin is a pain, then let us tell you that having dry skin isn’t a walk in the park either. Dry skin gets very uncomfortable, especially in the winters and in extreme cold temperatures. This results in intense pain and unsightly appearance when not taken care of properly.
Dry skin usually seems to have fine texture with dullness, but on a closer look there may be some flaky or granulated sections particularly around the corners of the mouth, eyes, and forehead. If neglected it will form wrinkles and become more brittle with age.

Simple tips:
Don’t use hot water while taking a shower.
Never leave the shower without applying moisturizer.
Pat dry your skin after a shower and always use a soft towel.

3. Beauty tips for combination skin:
With this, we get both the good and bad qualities of oily and dry skin type! Combination skin usually has a mix of both oily characteristics having large pores, a constant shine, and breakouts especially in the T-zone -the forehead, nose, chin area and dry skin characteristics i.e., itching, flakiness, redness on the cheeks.
You shall face the troubles of both the skin types depending on the climatic conditions and also which skin type is more dominant.

Simple tips:
If have an oily skin type, then your hormones play a great influence over whether or not you end up with combination skin. Here are few very basic things you can do it help your skin look and feel better.
Keep your face clean at all times to prevent oily zones from catching an infection of any kind.
Hunt for the perfect moisturizer for you. These can never be the same for people with this skin type as there will always be variations in the degrees of oiliness and dryness. And once you find it, don’t change!
Use the appropriate amount of moisturizer depending on your skins reaction to the climatic conditions. Too much moisturization will cause problems with the oily zone and less of it will cause problems with the dry zone.

* Beauty Tips for Daily Skin Care Routine:
No matter what your skin type is, making sure that your skin is clean is extremely important for it to remain healthy and clear. This is where your skin care routine comes to play. Cleaning the skin of the dirt and grime of the daily life, removing the dead skin cells and making sure that you don’t leave the pores open to more dirt accumulation is essential. This procedure we all know includes cleansing, scrubbing/ exfoliating, toning and moisturizing.

Here are some of the beauty tips and natural beauty products that can be used alone or in combination for their different skin care properties.

4. Beauty tips for cleansing:
Our skin gets exposed to varied amount of dust, smoke and heavy pollution resulting in dryness, dullness and more which is basically, lifeless skin. Cleansing ensure that the radiance of the skin is maintained. Only if cleansing is done properly, your skin accepts different products with ease, like moisturizers and facial masks.

5. Beauty tips for exfoliating:
Just cleansing and moisturizing regularly will not work any magic on the skin unless you clear and remove the dead skin cells from time to time. Exfoliating should be practiced regularly to remove the older dead skin completely, giving you skin which is very smooth and fresh. Scrubbing once a week is a must. If your skin type demands more, like oily skin does, then do it as many times as necessary.

6. Beauty tips for Toning:
This is very frequently asked question – “Is toning really important when I actually cleanse and moisturize my skin regularly? “Yes! Toning is an important element of the cleansing process. A good toner will remove all the remaining bits of oil, dirt and debris left behind by the cleanser. More importantly, toner will help soothe, nourish and hydrate the skin while restoring its delicate pH balance.

7. Beauty tips for Moisturizing:
Whatever your skin type maybe, it shouldn’t stop you from moisturizing your skin regularly. Moisturizing plays a vital role in skin care – keeping it hydrated and preventing it from redness or flaking. It also helps you prevent the early signs of aging. If you have oily skin, it doesn’t mean that your skin gets enough nourishment from the oil produced. This is a very common misconception. Pick a good gel based moisturizer and use it regularly.

*Beauty tips for Face Whitening:
You cannot change the colour of the skin you are born with, unless you go in for full skin transplantation like MJ. But you can always make it more glowing and youthful from inside with these home remedy beauty tips for face whitening.

8. Vitamin C intake in the form of juices like orange juice/ mausambi juice or even a cup of water in the morning with 1tspn of squeezed lime or lemon and half a teaspoon of honey is great to start your day with.

9. Vitamin A should be an important part of your diet. To tighten and brighten the complexion you need to include non-fat milk, egg yolks and shell fishes in your diet. You should also have foods like carrots, watermelons and ripe papaya which are coloured. The beta carotene in these is what you should include in your diet.

10. Exposure to the sun should be lessened. Wear a cap or hat or take an umbrella when it’s too hot outside. Use a UVA and UVB sunscreen, at least 20minutes before stepping out into the sun.

11. Scrub the whole body with some natural scrubber or a mixture of sugar and honey, it works real well. Grind sugar and massage till it dissolves. Dissolved sugar works like a stop watch to show that you’ve massaged and scrubbed your skin till it’s required to. Everyday exfoliation doesn’t need to be vigorous or for lengthy time period. 3-5 minutes is good enough.

12. Regular exercise is recommended for people who don’t have an active lifestyle, like housewives.

13. Drinking 8-10 glasses of water is essential for a hydrated and toxin free body.

14. Sometimes (at least once a month) hire someone or ask someone you are comfortable with to scrub your body with castor oil or olive oil, and fat sugar granules(not the granulated ones that you use every day).

15. If you feel extensive care is needed, go in for a once a month microdermabrasion peel from a reputed clinic.After 4-6 sittings, follow up at home with regular care.While taking peels you will not be recommended bleaching. So avoid that.

16. If you feel extensive care is needed, go in for a monthly microdermabrasion peel from any reputed clinic. After 4-6 sittings, follow up at home with regular care. It is recommended not to bleach while undergoing peels. Keep that in mind.

17. If you are someone who doesn’t want to go in for chemical peels, then use some natural peel off masks. You can also use bleach that suits your skin. There are a number of bleaches available these days in the market. Invest in a good brand. We prefer Dabur Oxybleach which comes with both pre and post bleach creams.

These homemade beauty tips for face whitening should definitely help you brighten the complexion of your skin.

* Beauty tips for Common Face Problems:

18. Beauty tips for Pimple/Acne:
Inflammation from acne blemishes can over stimulate the skin’s pigment-producing cells and cause them to create too much melanin. Once the blemishes clear, they frequently leave behind small, dark blotches on the skin that is known as post inflammatory hyper pigmentation.

Due to the higher levels of melanin in darker skin tones, people of color are particularly susceptible to the development of post-acne skin discolorations. While these dark spots fade eventually on their own, several measures can be taken to help speed up the process.

*Here are tips for pimples reduction:

19. Beauty Tips for Dark Circles:
Puffy eyes accompanied by dark circles are an indicator of ill health or extreme lack of sleep. But sometimes, even additional factors like1 dehydration and allergies can cause it. This is more and more prevalent as one grows older. But it is not uncommon to find this even in younger people when they are not getting enough rest, or they have a bad diet. Habits like smoking and drinking too much only make matters worse!

*Tips for Wrinkles/Anti-Aging:
Everybody grows older and with age, the skin loses its elasticity leaving you with those hideous wrinkles that give away your age.
But every once in a while we all run into people who we look at and there looks just don’t betray their true age. Wondering how? It can be very simple.

Simple Tips:
Good diet.
Keep fit. Good health reflects in the skin.
Avoid bad habits like smoking for they definitely contribute to dull, dry and aged skin.
You can also follow a few of our simple home remedies for Anti-Aging.
e. Seasonal Beauty tips for Face Whitening:

It is no longer a surprise that seasonal changes affect our skin in different ways, all depending on our skin types. So let’s go through this on basis of skin type.

21. Seasonal tips for oily skin:
People with oily skin type have been living with one misconception for a very long time. And that is that the oily skin doesn’t need moisturization. Whoever told you that is wrong. Just because the skin generates excess oils doesn’t mean that it is receiving sufficient nourishment. Always make sure you moisturize as required, especially in winters as the skin tends to dry out then. Use a gel based moisturizer for better results.

Summer: Cleansing and toning
Oily skin is a magnet for dirt and during the summers and with the addition of sweat to the equation only makes it easier for infections to find a foothold. So cleanse regularly and tone too. This will ensure that the dirt is removed and the pores are closed.

22. Seasonal tips for dry skin:
The most important thing for this type of skin is moisturization. Your skin is dry by default and the dryness in the air surrounding can only make matters worse. So make sure that during all seasons you have that bottle of favorite moisturizer at hand and keep your skin hydrated. More on how to care for dry skin during winters.

23. Seasonal tips for combination skin:

Summer and winter:
Since combination skin comes with the troubles of both skin types, the key is to keeping the skin clean, pores closed and skin hydrated. These are the requirements for both skin types. So it is all about finding the right balance in the routine.

After having spent so many years ignoring the centuries of knowledge from our ancestors, we have finally admitted that some of the most effective remedies ever are the ones that we concoct from our backyard! So here some of the simplest and most effective face masks.

*Homemade Masks:

Homemade face masks are the best solutions to bring back life and glow to your skin.

24. Simple Avocado Mask:
Using a ripe avocado, scoop and mash the meat
If desired, combine with one tablespoon each of honey and/or plain yogurt
Smooth on face, avoiding eyes

25. Basic Honey Mask:
Combine one tablespoon each of honey and olive oil
Add two teaspoons lemon juice
Beat in one egg yolk
Apply it on face and allow to dry before rinsing
Before applying any mask, open the pores by applying a warm, damp washcloth to the face. After removing the mask, rinse with warm water, and then cold. These two are face masks that we can use irrespective of your skin type.

You can find more masks for dry skin here and masks for oily skin here.

Homemade Scrubs:

a. Papaya Face Scrub:
*Exfoliating is vitally important for rejuvenation of skin. The following face tip will leave skin feeling soft and renewed.
*Mash the meat of a ripe papaya with a fork.
*Add 2-3 teaspoons ground oatmeal and one teaspoon sugar.
*Mix into a thick paste.
*Massage into skin for several minutes, allow it to dry.
This is one that you can use no matter the skin type. For more check out more of our homemade face scrubs.

Daily moisturizing is essential, and natural ingredients are easy to find in your kitchen. Many homemade moisturizers are made from perishable food items, and mixtures should be refrigerated and used within three days to a week.

a. Cocoa Butter and Egg Moisturizer for Normal Skin:
*Melt two tablespoons cocoa butter over low heat
*Separate one egg yolk and add to butter
*Add two tablespoons lemon juice
*By using natural oils, fruits, juices, and sugars, you can create cleansers, moisturizers, and masks in your own kitchen. Search the internet for the myriad of recipes available, or experiment and create *mixes custom-made for your own skin.

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