Can’t give up eating sugar or something sweet? It is time to switch to a healthier option, jaggery. Called gur in Hindi, it is essentially unrefined sugar. It is obtained from raw, concentrated sugar cane juice, by boiling it and then making it into a block. Other sources that are used for making gur include date palm and the sap of coconut. But why switch?
How many of you have seen your grandparents and parents eating jaggery after lunch or dinner! Do you know why do they eat it and recommend it to others as well? There are a number of reasons behind it. There are innumerable health benefits of jaggery. It is not just a raw sweet or sweetening agent but also a wonderful remedy for many diseases. Jaggery is a great remedy for anemia, asthma, joint pains and menstrual pains. It also aids in digestion, purifies blood and keeps the skin away from problems such as acnes and pimples. It is a great energy booster as it provides us lots of energy.
If you feel drained at any point of the day, a piece of jaggery with water can do wonders for you. Some people don't like because of its raw appearance. It's yellowish, dark brown color and solid or gooey texture might be very unappealing, but its health benefits are great. If you don't like it in its raw form, you can have jaggery laddoos. These laddoos are made up of lots of dry fruits like almonds, cashews, walnuts, peanuts and jaggery. It is a great way to gain its health benefits while satisfying your taste buds and eyes as well.
Here’s why it is good for your health.
Prevents constipation:
Jaggery helps prevent and relieve constipation by stimulating bowel movements. It activates the digestive enzymes in our body and therefore, many people eat gur after their meals.
Gur is also an excellent source of iron. This is the reason it has a dark brownish colour to it. Iron is extremely important for our body and also prevents anemia. Eating a small quantity of jaggery can ensure you aren’t iron deficient.
High in minerals:
Micronutrients are very important for our body to perform certain physiological functions and jaggery has a high mineral content. This is the reason why it is also called medicinal sugar.
Cleanses the liver: Want to effectively detox your body? Have a small piece of jaggery. It helps detoxify your liver if you happen to drink one too many. But remember, it is not a solution to drink heavily, you still need to monitor your intake.
Treats minor health problems:
Everyday niggles such as cough, water retention, bloating, migraine, etc can be reduced with the help of gur. You can have it with warm water or even add it in your tea instead of sugar to sweeten it and reap in its benefits.
Reduces PMS:
Those days of the month when hormones are all over the place resulting in sudden mood swings and rise in anxiety levels can be controlled to a certain extent with the help of jaggery. It releases endorphins aka happy hormones which then relax your body and make you feel good to prevent premenstrual syndrome.
Increases immunity:
Our body’s ability to fight infections and keep us healthy is greatly dependant on our immune system. Jaggery has antioxdants, zinc and selenium which help prevent free-radical damage and also boost resistance against infections.
Purifies Blood :
Jaggery is a wonderful sweet that not only tastes delicious but also purifies the blood. It acts as a cleansing agent for our blood and purifies it. You simply have to add it to your diet and have its benefits.
Good for Digestion:
As jaggery has natural cleansing properties, it also helps get rid of digestion problems. If you eat a piece of jaggery every day with water or milk, your body will be free from all toxins.
Cools your Stomach:
Having a medium sized piece of jaggery with water every day is wonderful for your body and stomach. Especially during summers, it cools down your stomach and whole body temperature.
Prevents Anemia :
It is a great remedy for women suffering from anemia. Jaggery is a rich source of iron and if women add it to their daily diet, it helps them get rid of anemia. It is a must eat for all women, especially teenagers and pregnant women.
Good for Skin:
Jaggery is great for your skin also. It makes your skin healthy and charming. If you have acne and pimples on your skin, eat jiggery every day. You will definitely see them going away and get a lovely and flawless skin.
Cures Cough and Cold :
It is an age-old remedy to cure dry cough and cold. If you don't like eating Jaggery in its raw form, you can try jaggery laddoos, which are made with sesame seeds and jaggery. They are very good in taste.
Provides Instant Energy:
When you are extremely tired and exhausted, have jaggery. It is an instant energy provider. The best thing about jaggery is that it is digested and absorbed gradually which in turn doesn't raise blood sugar level immediately.
Prevents Asthma :
Jaggery is, often, recommended to Asthma patients as it is a great remedy to cure asthma. It has such properties which regulates body temperature which is very good for Asthma patients. It also has anti-allergy properties.
Reduces Joint Pains :
If you are suffering from joint pains, eat jaggery, it is wonderful for you. Eat jaggery with a piece of ginger every day, it will definitely help you get rid of joint pains. Jaggery is good for migraine patients also.
Cures Menstrual Pain:
Many girls bear acute pain during their menstrual cycle. If you also have this problem, eat jaggery. It helps relieve premenstrual pain. You should have it at least once daily.
Is Jaggery a Safer Sugar Substitute for Diabetics?
Jaggery is a traditional Indian sweetener made from sugarcane and is believed to be a healthy substitute for sugar. It is a good source of essential minerals such as iron, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc. According to ancient Indian texts, jaggery is a medicinal sweetener which purifies blood, aids digestion and improves lung health. The popular belief that jaggery is a harmless sugar substitute for diabetics is often challenged by health experts, however due to lack of awareness, it is widely used to sweeten foods and beverages by diabetics.
So is jaggery really the healthy alternative to sugar?
*Jaggery and Type 2 Diabetes
People having diabetes are advised to avoid foods with a high glycemic index and refined sugar (the white sugar we use at home) unanimously tops the list. Glycemic Index is a unit which measures the amount of glucose released into the blood by a food source. Foods which release more glucose into the blood will have a high Glycemic Index Value and vice versa.
Interestingly, a study published in the International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries showed that jaggery and sugar have nearly the same glycemic values. This means that when consumed, both raise blood glucose levels by approximately equal values. The only difference is that the release of glucose from jaggery is comparatively slower than sugar as it is a complex sucrose which takes longer to break down.
Though relatively old, this particular study appears to be the only such study on the subject. The findings concluded that after two hours of consumption, the blood glucose levels of participants who had consumed sugar were similar to those who had consumed jaggery. Therefore, contrary to the popular notion, jaggery may not be a safe sugar substitute for diabetics.
While diabetologists firmly advise their patients against consumption of jaggery, many people cannot resist indulging their sweet tooth occasionally, given the tremendous variety of jaggery-sweetened snacks and sweets readily available throughout the country.
*Jaggery and Weight Loss:
In terms of calories, jaggery does not score very well in comparison to sugar. While a 100 grams of sugar delivers approximately 398 kcal of energy, the same amount of jaggery releases 383 kcal. However the high potassium content in jaggery is often associated with its weight loss benefits as potassium helps in reducing water retention in the body.
Potassium helps build muscle, maintains the body's electrolyte balance and improves metabolism - the conditions which support weight loss. The flip side is that the high carbohydrate content in jaggery may hamper your weight loss goals.
*Jaggery and General Health:Sugar provides energy but has no nutritive value. On the other hand, jaggery has tremendous health benefits. Jaggery retains essential minerals such as magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, copper and zinc. According to Ayurveda, jaggery strengthens the nervous system, prevents anemia and promotes bone health. It may also protect the body against environmental toxins.
Therefore we can safely say that for a healthy person, jaggery is a healthy substitute for sugar. A person with diabetes may occasionally enjoy a jaggery laced treat, however frequent use is certainly not recommended.
How many of you have seen your grandparents and parents eating jaggery after lunch or dinner! Do you know why do they eat it and recommend it to others as well? There are a number of reasons behind it. There are innumerable health benefits of jaggery. It is not just a raw sweet or sweetening agent but also a wonderful remedy for many diseases. Jaggery is a great remedy for anemia, asthma, joint pains and menstrual pains. It also aids in digestion, purifies blood and keeps the skin away from problems such as acnes and pimples. It is a great energy booster as it provides us lots of energy.
If you feel drained at any point of the day, a piece of jaggery with water can do wonders for you. Some people don't like because of its raw appearance. It's yellowish, dark brown color and solid or gooey texture might be very unappealing, but its health benefits are great. If you don't like it in its raw form, you can have jaggery laddoos. These laddoos are made up of lots of dry fruits like almonds, cashews, walnuts, peanuts and jaggery. It is a great way to gain its health benefits while satisfying your taste buds and eyes as well.
Here’s why it is good for your health.
Prevents constipation:
Jaggery helps prevent and relieve constipation by stimulating bowel movements. It activates the digestive enzymes in our body and therefore, many people eat gur after their meals.
Gur is also an excellent source of iron. This is the reason it has a dark brownish colour to it. Iron is extremely important for our body and also prevents anemia. Eating a small quantity of jaggery can ensure you aren’t iron deficient.
High in minerals:
Micronutrients are very important for our body to perform certain physiological functions and jaggery has a high mineral content. This is the reason why it is also called medicinal sugar.
Cleanses the liver: Want to effectively detox your body? Have a small piece of jaggery. It helps detoxify your liver if you happen to drink one too many. But remember, it is not a solution to drink heavily, you still need to monitor your intake.
Treats minor health problems:
Everyday niggles such as cough, water retention, bloating, migraine, etc can be reduced with the help of gur. You can have it with warm water or even add it in your tea instead of sugar to sweeten it and reap in its benefits.
Reduces PMS:
Those days of the month when hormones are all over the place resulting in sudden mood swings and rise in anxiety levels can be controlled to a certain extent with the help of jaggery. It releases endorphins aka happy hormones which then relax your body and make you feel good to prevent premenstrual syndrome.
Increases immunity:
Our body’s ability to fight infections and keep us healthy is greatly dependant on our immune system. Jaggery has antioxdants, zinc and selenium which help prevent free-radical damage and also boost resistance against infections.
Purifies Blood :
Jaggery is a wonderful sweet that not only tastes delicious but also purifies the blood. It acts as a cleansing agent for our blood and purifies it. You simply have to add it to your diet and have its benefits.
Good for Digestion:
As jaggery has natural cleansing properties, it also helps get rid of digestion problems. If you eat a piece of jaggery every day with water or milk, your body will be free from all toxins.
Cools your Stomach:
Having a medium sized piece of jaggery with water every day is wonderful for your body and stomach. Especially during summers, it cools down your stomach and whole body temperature.
Prevents Anemia :
It is a great remedy for women suffering from anemia. Jaggery is a rich source of iron and if women add it to their daily diet, it helps them get rid of anemia. It is a must eat for all women, especially teenagers and pregnant women.
Good for Skin:
Jaggery is great for your skin also. It makes your skin healthy and charming. If you have acne and pimples on your skin, eat jiggery every day. You will definitely see them going away and get a lovely and flawless skin.
Cures Cough and Cold :
It is an age-old remedy to cure dry cough and cold. If you don't like eating Jaggery in its raw form, you can try jaggery laddoos, which are made with sesame seeds and jaggery. They are very good in taste.
Provides Instant Energy:
When you are extremely tired and exhausted, have jaggery. It is an instant energy provider. The best thing about jaggery is that it is digested and absorbed gradually which in turn doesn't raise blood sugar level immediately.
Prevents Asthma :
Jaggery is, often, recommended to Asthma patients as it is a great remedy to cure asthma. It has such properties which regulates body temperature which is very good for Asthma patients. It also has anti-allergy properties.
Reduces Joint Pains :
If you are suffering from joint pains, eat jaggery, it is wonderful for you. Eat jaggery with a piece of ginger every day, it will definitely help you get rid of joint pains. Jaggery is good for migraine patients also.
Cures Menstrual Pain:
Many girls bear acute pain during their menstrual cycle. If you also have this problem, eat jaggery. It helps relieve premenstrual pain. You should have it at least once daily.
Jaggery is a traditional Indian sweetener made from sugarcane and is believed to be a healthy substitute for sugar. It is a good source of essential minerals such as iron, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc. According to ancient Indian texts, jaggery is a medicinal sweetener which purifies blood, aids digestion and improves lung health. The popular belief that jaggery is a harmless sugar substitute for diabetics is often challenged by health experts, however due to lack of awareness, it is widely used to sweeten foods and beverages by diabetics.
So is jaggery really the healthy alternative to sugar?
*Jaggery and Type 2 Diabetes
People having diabetes are advised to avoid foods with a high glycemic index and refined sugar (the white sugar we use at home) unanimously tops the list. Glycemic Index is a unit which measures the amount of glucose released into the blood by a food source. Foods which release more glucose into the blood will have a high Glycemic Index Value and vice versa.
Interestingly, a study published in the International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries showed that jaggery and sugar have nearly the same glycemic values. This means that when consumed, both raise blood glucose levels by approximately equal values. The only difference is that the release of glucose from jaggery is comparatively slower than sugar as it is a complex sucrose which takes longer to break down.
Though relatively old, this particular study appears to be the only such study on the subject. The findings concluded that after two hours of consumption, the blood glucose levels of participants who had consumed sugar were similar to those who had consumed jaggery. Therefore, contrary to the popular notion, jaggery may not be a safe sugar substitute for diabetics.
While diabetologists firmly advise their patients against consumption of jaggery, many people cannot resist indulging their sweet tooth occasionally, given the tremendous variety of jaggery-sweetened snacks and sweets readily available throughout the country.
*Jaggery and Weight Loss:
In terms of calories, jaggery does not score very well in comparison to sugar. While a 100 grams of sugar delivers approximately 398 kcal of energy, the same amount of jaggery releases 383 kcal. However the high potassium content in jaggery is often associated with its weight loss benefits as potassium helps in reducing water retention in the body.
Potassium helps build muscle, maintains the body's electrolyte balance and improves metabolism - the conditions which support weight loss. The flip side is that the high carbohydrate content in jaggery may hamper your weight loss goals.

Therefore we can safely say that for a healthy person, jaggery is a healthy substitute for sugar. A person with diabetes may occasionally enjoy a jaggery laced treat, however frequent use is certainly not recommended.
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