Tuesday 9 December 2014

Many Ways to Get a Flat Belly Without Diet or Exercise

Weight gain, bloat and gas are all factors that can attribute to a not-so-flat stomach. Exercise and proper nutrition are necessary to get rid of excess fat around your belly; however, there are a few eating strategies to get rid of bloat due to water weight and gas. Following these nutritional tips will help reduce belly bloat, giving you a flatter stomach in just a few short days.

Step 1:
Pass on gas-forming foods. Most everyone knows to steer clear of fatty foods to help avoid gas, but vegetables can also be a culprit. Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower and even lettuce can cause gas buildup in the intestines. To help flatten your stomach, avoid all gas-forming foods and choose foods that are easy for the body to break down and digest like bananas, citrus, yogurt, eggs and rice.
Step 2:
Lower your carb-to-protein ratio. The way you combine your foods can have a direct impact on your digestive system. Eating hard-to-digest complex carbohydrates with hard-to-break-down proteins can cause a major gas effect on your stomach. Potatoes, rice and bread are all complex carbs that need an alkaline environment for proper digestion. Proteins such as lean beef, turkey, chicken and fish need an acidic environment to break down properly. When you combine these two types of foods, it is very hard on the digestive system and can cause excess air to trap in the intestines, causing gas bloat. To get a flat stomach, eat your proteins with easier-to-digest carbohydrates like asparagus, zucchini, squash and tomato.
Step 3:
Skip the salt. Eating foods high in sodium and adding table salt to your food causes your body to retain fluid. Water-weight retention makes you appear puffy, especially in the stomach. According to the Mayo Clinic, the main source of sodium in the average person's diet comes from 77% processed foods. If you love the salty over the sweet, pick foods that are fresh and have natural sodium levels to curb your cravings. Carrots, cucumbers and cantaloupe are some foods that will help satisfy salt cravings without packing on fluid retention.
Step 4:
Stay hydrated to keep your belly flat. Fluid retention, water weight, is caused by not drinking enough water. Also, by replacing other beverages with water, you cut out unwanted calories, caffeine and sodium, which cause bloat and weight gain. To prevent water retention, drink a minimum of eight glasses of water a day.

Perfect Your Posture:
"Straighten up," advises The Biggest Loser trainer Kim Lyons, and your figure will look better. "When your posture is good, you're automatically engaging and toning your stomach muscles." If you need to remind yourself to stand tall, she says, a few strategically placed Post-it Notes should do the trick.

Drinking more water:
I know it sounds odd but when you don't drink water your body actually retains water (making you look fatter) and also drinking more water helps prevents stomach bloating by aiding digestion, relieving constipation & gas so try to drink at least 1 liter (33.8 ounces) of water a day for a flatter stomach plus Go here to see other ways water burns fat and Use this simple calculator to see how much water you need to drink each day to get a flatter stomach.

Limit your salt or sodium intake:
The more salt or sodium that you eat  the more water your body will hold onto making your stomach look fat & bloated so you got 2 options you can drink more water to flush out the excess water weight caused by the excess salt in your diet and or you can eat less than 2500 mg of sodium a day to prevent bloating and excess water weight gain - See how to lose 5 lbs in 2 days for more info on how to quickly lose excess water weight by drinking more water & limiting salt intake
3. Eat a balanced diet of Carbs, Proteins and Fats because a diet too high in carbs will make you gain excess water weight & a diet low in protein and will cause you to become bloated more often &…
Too much fat in the diet will keep you bloated longer by slowing down digestion keeping food in your stomach longer so go here to figure out how many Carbs, Proteins and Fats you need to eat to lose weight & get a flatter stomach.

Eat smaller meals:
Instead of you eating 3 BIG meals that'll put lots of stress on your digestive system which'll lead to your stomach bloating it's best for you to eat 4-to-6 smaller meals to prevent getting a bloated stomach and if you don't have time to eat 4-to-6 smaller meals then you need to go for a 15+ minute walk after your big meal to speed up digestion to prevent your stomach from getting bloated.

Stop drinking soda:
Sodas and any other carbonated drinks can easily make your stomach bloated because the carbon dioxide from those drinks creates gas in your stomach forcing your stomach to expand or get bloated  See how to stop drinking soda here

Avoid artificial sweeteners:
Artificial sweaters cannot be easily broken down by your body and this causes gas which leads to bloating so that means you need to watch out for diet sodas, sugarless gums, or any other so called "sugar-free" foods and if you must use artificial sweeteners try to limit your use of artificial sweeteners to less than 3 servings a day but artificial sweeteners like mannitol, sorbitol, xylitol and other sugar alcohols are the main ones you want to avoid to reduce bloating so you can get a flatter stomach.

Don't do things that cause you to swallow too much air:
When you swallow too much air… the air becomes trapped in your stomach and this causes gas which leads to bloating and you can prevent this from happening by not chewing gum or sucking on candy not smoking not eating too fast (make sure you take time to chew your food) try not to talk while eating trying not to get nervous or stressed out.

Do a colon cleanse:
See how to lose 20 pounds in 30 days for more info but due to your bad eating habits you may have 10+ pounds of waste trapped in your colon that can easily be flushed out of your stomach making it flatter with the help of a colon cleansing program like the Ultimate Colon Cleanse programe.

Have a Seat:
"Most women don't want to talk about it, but you really have to set aside a specific time each day to use the bathroom," a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of California, Los Angeles. If you don't, it's too easy to give in to feeling rushed, and ignore the urge to go." Once you've trained your brain to dismiss your body's signals, you set the stage for bloat-inducing constipation.

Eat Mindfully:
Rather than scarfing down meals, make a point of chewing each bite at least 10 times before swallowing. "The body has to work overtime to break down food in the stomach and intestines, which can lead to major gas and indigestion. Plus, when you eat fast, you're more prone to swallowing air, which can ratchet up your risk of developing a potbelly.

Walk It Off:
Try to squeeze in a 30-minute walk daily, says Lyons. The simple boost in metabolism will help you burn waistline fat more efficiently. And if you want to work out, skip those gadgets that promise "miraculous abs in minutes": A study from Kansas State University found most devices designed to target abs (think infomercials) don't live up to their promises. You'll see better results with traditional exercise.

Give Up Gum:
Because chewing forces you to swallow more puff-producing air, it can also keep you from squeezing into your skinny jeans, explain researchers at the American College of Gastroenterology. If you need to freshen your breath, you're better off sucking on a mint.

Consider adding calcium D-glucarate (1,000 milligrams) and B-complex supplements to your regular vitamin regime. "Excess estrogen causes the body to retain fat around the waist, but both supplements have been shown to help you excrete the hormone, which can lead to a smaller middle."

Relax Already:
"When you're frazzled, your body increases its production of steroids and stress hormones, which negatively affect your digestive system, causing major constipation. And as if that weren't enough to leave you looking pouchy, stress also amps up the production of cortisol, a "fight or flight" hormone that sends excess fat directly to your midsection in its attempt to protect your vital organs. To minimize tension"take 20 minutes a day to do something that truly relaxes you.

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