Wednesday 11 February 2015

Ovarian cyst causes, diagnosis and home remedies

Ovarian cyst causes, diagnosis and herbal remedies

Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled growths in a woman’s ovaries. This may happen in just one or both of the ovaries. Usually ovarian cysts are harmless and often go away on their own. Sometimes though ovarian cysts can grow so much they rupture, or cause damage to the ovary.

They may grow so much they cause displacement of the reproductive organs or twist themselves. Damage from a ruptured ovarian cyst may cause scar tissue build-up, and/or the formation of adhesion, attaching the ovary to other parts of the internal body.

Ovarian cysts are most common in women of childbearing years, but can rarely develop in postmenopausal women. A woman’s ovaries are about the size and shape of an almond. It is amazing that something so small and delicate can hold thousands of eggs at birth. It is also quite amazing that something so small can develop a cyst. In fact ovarian cysts can become quite large over time. Thankfully there are natural remedies that can help your body to rid itself of the cysts naturally and without surgery.

Types of Ovarian Cysts:-

*Functional Ovarian Cysts
During a woman’s natural cycle the ovaries produce follicles, which are like a cyst and contain the egg to be released during ovulation. As ovulation nears the follicle begins to grow. Follicles also produce and release both estrogen and progesterone. An ovarian cyst that forms due to a malfunction in the follicle is known as a functional cyst. There are two types of functional cysts:

Follicular cyst: 
This happens when the follicle fails to rupture and release the egg at ovulation, it continues to grow forming a cyst.

Corpus Luteum cyst: 
This happens when the follicle does release the egg at ovulation. The follicle changes to what is called the corpus luteum. The opening in the follicle where the egg was released seals off, accumulating fluid, causing the corpus luteum to grow into a cyst.

Other Types of Ovarian Cysts
There are other types of cysts that form on the ovaries, but they are not related to the menstrual cycle.

Dermoid cyst: 
These cysts are considered complex and develop from cells that produce human eggs. Because of this these types of cyst may contain hair, teeth, or skin. They are rarely cancerous.

This type of cyst develops from ovarian tissue and is filled with liquid or mucous.

This type of cyst forms when endometrial cells attach to the ovary and form a growth (endometriosis) This type of ovarian cyst is commonly called a chocolate cyst.

The above 3 types of ovarian cysts may cause damage to the ovary, including twisting, scar tissue and adhesion formation. Both Dermoid and Cystadenomas may cause the ovary to become very large and displaced. These types of cysts are considered more complex and usually do not respond to natural therapies as well. It is best to work with your doctor regarding these types of cysts.

What Causes Ovarian Cysts?
Irregular menstrual cycles
Hormonal imbalance
Cigarette smoking
Early menstruation (11 years or younger)
Increased upper body fat
Infertility treatment with gonadotropins, this may cause multiple large cysts.
Use of Clomiphene (Clomid, Serophene) has been shown to increase the risk for development of Corpus Luteum cyst.
Use of Tamoxifen for breast cancer

Signs and Symptoms of Ovarian Cysts:
Most women that have ovarian cysts don’t even know. Usually there are no signs of symptoms. Most ovarian cysts are discovered during a routine physical exam. The larger a cyst is the more likely it is to cause symptoms. Symptoms may be:

Pelvic pain, usually on the side where the cyst is present. Pain may be sharp, sudden or come and go throughout the cycle.
Irregular menstrual cycles.
Anovulatory cycles may signal follicular cyst. Charting your cycle can help you to determine if you are having anovulatory cycles.
Pelvic pain after intercourse or strenuous exercise.
Nausea and vomiting, this usually happens after a cyst ruptures.
Vaginal pain with spotty bleeding.
Pressure and/or abdominal bloating, may be noticeable on one side or the other.
Pain or pressure in the abdomen when urinating or having a bowel movement.
Note: See a doctor immediately if you have excruciating pain, nausea, vomiting and/or bleeding from the vagina during any point in your cycle.

How are Ovarian Cysts Diagnosed?
If you suspect you have an ovarian cyst doctors have many diagnostic tools. Here are some tests your doctor may perform:

Endovaginal Ultrasound uses a vaginal ultrasound probe is inserted into the vagina. This type of ultrasound has been found to produce a better image of ovarian cysts that ultrasound through the abdominal wall.
Laparoscopic surgery may be performed to determine the type of cyst and to take a biopsy.
CT or MRI may be used if there is further concern.
Serum CA-125 assay is a blood test to determine if the cyst is cancerous. This test is not always accurate because elevated levels of CA-125 may also signal the presence of uterine fibroids, adenomyosis or endometriosis.

Medical Options for Ovarian Cyst Treatment
The number one medical treatment for functional ovarian cysts is to prescribe birth control pills. This prevents ovulation, therefore the formation of functional ovarian cysts cannot happen. This presents a problem though, one it prevents pregnancy, and two may cause long-term hormonal imbalance, and three, it does not solve the root of the cause.

If an ovarian cyst becomes too large or is considered to be at a higher risk for rupture, is a complex cyst, or has twisted or become adhered to other parts of the internal body, a doctor may choose to remove it surgically. Your doctor will be able to help you to determine your best options.

How Natural Therapies May Help with Ovarian Cysts
For functional cysts there are natural options that are very effective. We like to approach it at two different levels. Clearing out and prevention. In this guide you will learn how to clear out excess estrogens and cysts while working to prevent future ones from being created. This therapy usually has results in 3 months, but should only be done prior to trying to conceive.

Reduces excess estrogens
Promotes hormonal balance
Reduces cyst size and growth
Least invasive
Very effective
No side effects

Here are the top 10 home remedies for ovarian cysts. Also, do consult your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

1. Heat
Heat is said to be quite effective in reducing muscle cramps or pain in the abdomen due to ovarian cysts.

Put a heating pad or hot water bottle on your abdomen and lower pelvic area.
Do this for at least 15 minutes.
Follow this remedy whenever you experience pain in the abdomen for quick relief.

2. Castor Oil Pack
Castor oil packs are an age-old remedy for ovarian cysts. Castor oil clears the body of excess tissues and toxins. It also stimulates the lymphatic and circulatory systems, which helps reduce and dissolve ovarian cysts.

Fold a large flannel cloth to make it two or three layers thick. Make sure the folded cloth is large enough to cover your entire abdomen.
Drizzle about two tablespoons of castor oil on the cloth. Fold the cloth in half to saturate and then unfold it.
Lay down with an old towel under you and put the flannel cloth on your abdomen.
Cover the castor oil cloth with plastic and then with an old towel.
Place a hot water bottle over the towel and then cover yourself in a warm blanket.
Leave the castor oil pack on for at least 30 minutes and then remove it.
Repeat the process about three times a week for three months.
To remove oil from the skin after using the castor oil pack, you can wash the treated area with a solution of three tablespoons of baking soda mixed in one quart (four cups) of water.

Note: Do not use castor oil packs during menstruation. If you are trying to conceive then do not use this remedy after ovulation.

3. Epsom Salt Bath
An Epsom salt bath will also greatly help reduce pain and other symptoms associated with ovarian cysts. The high magnesium sulfate content in Epsom salt works as a muscle relaxant that in turn eases pain.

Add one cup of Epsom salt to your bath tub filled with warm water.
Add five to 10 drops of essential oils like lavender, rose or jasmine.
Stir for a few minutes so that the salt dissolves.
Soak your lower body in this water for 20 to 30 minutes.
Follow this remedy once daily.

4. Chamomile Tea
Herbal tea like chamomile tea is also considered a good remedy for treating ovarian cysts and the associated pain and discomfort. The gentle sedative effect of chamomile tea will reduce pain and help you to relax. Also, the warm nature of this tea will also help regulate irregular periods by stimulating blood flow in the pelvic area and uterus.

Mix two teaspoons of dried chamomile in a cup of hot water.
Cover and steep for five minutes.
Strain, add one teaspoon of honey and drink the tea.
You can drink two to three cups of chamomile tea daily until you get rid of the problem.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar can help shrink and dissolve ovarian cysts caused by potassium deficiency. It is high in potassium and recommended by many health experts.

Add one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of warm water.
Mix in one tablespoon of black strap molasses.
Drink one or two glasses of this solution daily.
Follow this remedy until the cysts disappear completely.
This remedy will also help with the symptoms of excessive menstrual bleeding as well as bloating and cramping throughout periods.

6. Beetroot
Beetroot contains a compound known as betacyanin that boosts the liver’s ability to clear toxins out of your system. Plus, the alkaline nature of beetroot helps balance the acidity in your body. This in turn reduces the severity of many symptoms of ovarian cysts.

Mix one-half cup of freshly extracted beetroot juice with one tablespoon each of aloe vera gel and blackstrap molasses.
Drink this once daily before eating your breakfast.
Follow this remedy daily until your symptoms have reduced.

7. Ginger Juice
Ginger is a strong anti-inflammatory herb that reduces inflammation and relieves pain. Also, ginger increases heat in the body and induces menstruation.

Blend a two-inch piece of ginger, two stalks of celery, half a glass of apple juice and three-fourths of a pineapple in a juicer. Drink this juice once daily until the cysts are gone.
Also, you can drink two to three cups of ginger tea daily.

8. Flaxseed
Flaxseed helps balance the proportion of estrogen to progesterone in your body. This will help reduce the cysts. Plus, flaxseeds are rich in fiber that helps the body eliminate harmful toxins, cholesterol and other waste products processed by the liver.

Mix one tablespoon of ground flaxseed in a glass of warm water. Drink it daily on an empty stomach until you notice improvement in your condition.
You can also add ground flaxseeds to yogurt, smoothies, soups and salads.

9. Almond
Almond is a magnesium-rich food that helps reduce painful cramps associated with ovarian cysts.

Simply eat some dry roasted almonds to relieve the pain and discomfort.
Alternatively, gentle massaging of the abdominal area with almond oil can help ease pain and bloating. For best results, add a few drops of jasmine essential oil to one tablespoon of almond oil and then use it for massage.
You can also add one teaspoon of sweet almond oil to a glass of warm milk and drink it once daily.
Follow any of these remedies until you recover completely.

10. Increase Fluid Intake
When suffering from ovarian cysts, it is essential to increase your fluid intake. Your best option is water. Try to drink alkaline as well as filtered water at regular intervals. You can add a dash of lemon juice to a glass of water before drinking it. Water will flush out harmful toxins from your system and create a haven for healing . This in turn will reduce your pain and alleviate swelling in your abdomen.

Along with water, you can drink coconut water and green vegetable juice. Avoid coffee, soda and alcoholic beverages.

Seek immediate medical attention if you have severe or sharp pelvic pain, fever, dizziness, rapid breathing or vaginal pain with spotty bleeding. These symptoms can indicate a ruptured cyst or an ovarian torsion, which can have serious consequences if not treated timely.

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