Breastfed Newborns:
What you need to realize is that:
1) cluster feedings are completely normal.
2) they serve an important purpose in breastfeeding.
3) thankfully, your baby will grow out of them (though they can reappear during periods of baby growth spurts.)
Bottlefed Newborns:
If you notice that your baby is spitting up excessively, then a sound suggestion is to decrease the amount of formula in the bottle but increase the number of bottles you offer in a day.
Understanding Baby Hunger Cues:
Sometimes the problem is that parents are mistaking every fuss and whimper to be a sign that their baby is hungry. Here's a news flash: baby's fuss. They do. They fuss for all sorts of reasons. They are tired. They are bored. They are overstimulated. They are uncomfortable. They pooped. The list goes on and on.
Sometimes what parents need to do is be sure that something else is not causing the crying, and use different strategies to calm their fussy baby. Also, observe your baby for typical hunger cues. They may include:
*Your baby puts his hands near his mouth.
*Your baby turns his head from side to side.
*Your baby begins rooting as if to nurse.
*Your baby sucks on his hands or clothing.
*Your baby ramps up his fussy nature.
*Your baby is crying.
How Often Should Baby Be Fed?
Until your baby has regained his birthweight, the recommendation is to feed about every two hours. Keeping in mind that cluster feeding is normal, and breastfeeding more frequently than that is okay. Once your baby is gaining weight well and if the breastfeeding mom has no issues with low milk supply, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that parents tune into those hunger cues and feed their baby on demand rather than using scheduled feedings.
Hungry Babies and Solid Foods:
Your baby's appetite will vary from meal to meal and from day to day. Do not bank that your baby will eat a certain amount at every breakfast, lunch or dinner. Simply watch your baby's signs and feed him accordingly.
The Importance of Wet Diaper Counts:
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