RedCrab Calculator 4.48 Portable | 5.7 Mb
RedCrab is a scientific, statistics and finacial calculation software with a full screen formula editor. The mathematical expressions can be entered in an editor window similar to a piece of paper. The editor supports the entry of complex algebraic equations like fractions, square roots, exponents, variables etc. for technical and scientific applications.
No installation of the software is required. Starts from external disk, e.g. USB flash drive or CD / DVD.
Why RedCrab?
No one today would want to work with word processing program that simulates a typewriter, for example, no copy, paste and edit. For typo errors, whole text must be rewritten. But most PC calculators are just unflexible simulations of pocket calculators.
RedCrab is a calculator that exploits the possibilities of PC's. Easy to use like a pocket calculator, but provided with full screen editor, which supported corrections, saveing and printing as a word processing program.
Several tasks can be written in the same worksheet. Results can be adopted in other mathematical problems as in a spreadsheet program. Images and texts can imported to describe complex calculations.
What's New in version 4.48 (February 08, 2015):
• Display of scientific exponent implemented
• New plot function FlootFill
• Bug fix: chart box mouse pointer
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