If you will analyze the statements, each is definitely convincing. However, you still need to settle for clarification through reviewing the functions, formula, and the reliability of the skin lightening solutions.
Skin Pigmentation:
The color of the skin varies from one person to another because the presence of melanin also varies in the skin. The skin color ranges from white to black with some having a pinkish glow due to the blood vessels found underneath the skin. produce the pigment called melanin wherein its production is stimulated by tryosinase. Moreover, melanin controls the amount of ultraviolet rays from the sun that penetrates the skin through absorption. UV radiation can assist with the production of Vitamin D but this can also damage the skin to overexposure.
Natural Ways for Whiter, Smoother Skin:
Before trying topical products to whiten your skin, here are natural ways that can help you have a natural glow:
*Balanced Diet:
one important element to include in whitening your skin is through a balanced diet. Processed foods have altered ingredients that only make your skin prone to redness and blemishes. It is also important to incorporate fiber rich foods since this will help in eliminating toxins out of the body.
*Drink Water:
drinking at least two liters of water per day can help wash out toxins in the body and keep out the blemishes.
apart from drinking and eating healthy, it is also good to maintain a daily exercise routine. This will help in enhancing blood circulation and deliver adequate amounts of oxygen in the body. Your cells will then be filled with oxygen and stimulated to regenerate faster.
Skin Whitening Ingredients:
Most of the skin whitening treatments act by blocking melanin production. Their main action is to inhibit the enzyme tyrosinase. Several treatments use a combination of gels or lotions along with a sunscreen. The following are some of the components you will find in skin whitening products:
*Hydroquinone primarily, this substance is used for whitening the skin because of its antioxidant abilities. Cosmetic concentrations are available in 2% while other concentrations are at 4%. This substance does not bleach the skin but it helps lighten the skin.
*Kojic Acid this is the by-product of malting rice or the process of sake production. Studies have shown that Kojic acid is efficient in inhibiting melanin production but this is also an unstable ingredient in without the right cosmetic formulation. When exposed to sunlight, this can turn brown and therefore lose efficiency. Several cosmetic companies have used Kojic dipalmitate as potent substitute.
*Arbutin this is a potent alternative to hydroquinone. Arbutin is harvested from mulberry, white mulberry, bearberry, and paper mulberry. The action of arbutin is to inhibit the production of melanin. Some forms of arbutin are also found in pears and this substance if considered safe over other skin whitening ingredients.
*Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) is one of the most researched skin whitening ingredients since it can easily penetrate the skin because of its molecular size. The benefit of AHA is to generate cell regeneration and remove abnormal layers of the skin (exfoliation). The superficial layer of the skin is where most discolorations occur.
Top 3 Skin Lightening Creams:
1) Senvie:

Most importantly, Lux Intensive is 100% natural, and contains no mercury or other banned ingredients, such as hydroquinone that could cause damage to your skin or body and works on all skin types. This is the best Skin Lightening product available.
2) Illuminatural 6i:
This product works for lightening dark elbows, knees, and other hyperpigmentations. Illuminatural 6i is also a great product for lightening birthmarks, freckles, old scars, acne scars, and liver spots. They offer a product guarantee where you can send back their product if you do not see the results.
3) Revitol Skin Brightener:
This product promises to make your skin more even toned and less blotchy. It uses no toxic substances and only manufactures natural products for healthier and more vibrant skin. The ingredients in Revitol Skin Brightener are safe, as it uses active and natural ingredients for reducing pigmentations. Among the components of Revitol Skin Brightener are:
*Arbutin harvested from the bearberry plant, which reduces dark area appearance.
*Lumiskin inhibits the effects of tyrosinase, thereby lessening pigmentation.
*Shea Butter extracted from Karite Nut Tree to protect the skin from the harmful effects of the sun.
*Evening Primrose Oil reduces dry skin
*Grapefruit Seed Extract powerful antioxidant for regenerating skin cells
*Vitamins A, C, E for improved elasticity and healthier glow of the skin.
4) Xtreme Brite:
*Xtreme Brite Gel this brightening cream has a sunscreen ingredient and several vitamins. This helps in providing even tone and smooth complexion.
*Complete Body Soap this has agents perfect for exfoliating the skin. It helps remove dead skin cells and generate a new layer of the skin.
*Brightening Peeling Soap uses peeling agents for removing dead skin cells and even clean the skin.
*Clear Quick Gel this product has ingredients that help remove dark spots and protects your skin from the harmful effect of ultraviolet rays. The formula is non-greasy and can be easily absorbed by the skin.
*Perfect Brightener Lotion formulated for hydrating and brightening the skin. It has a deep penetrating action to remove dark spots and leave your skin younger and softer.
*Xtreme Brite Cocoa Butter Lotion this is a silky but hydrating lotion and helps brighten dull skin. It results in a smoother and whiter skin without the stretch marks, scars, and dark spots.
*Clear Quick Cream this cream helps in firming and clearing the skin of dark spots and blemishes. The perfect formula of this cream helps in firming and having a lighter skin.
If you need a sure way to whiten your skin without the dangerous side effects, the products from Xtreme Brite is for you.
Why are Skin Lighteners Popular?
A growing number of women across the world are using skin lighteners to lighten their naturally dark skin color. Skin lightening creams have been popular in Japan for decades where lighter skin is revered. They remain popular in Asian, Southeast Asian and African countries. The trend is rather new in the United States, where skin brightening creams have become more popular since 2013.
products in the world are called "brighteners" and are used for creating a more youthful, dewy look. Other women use these creams use them to fix skin conditions including melasma, spots caused by sun damage and acne scars.
In Asia the products are marketed as "skin lighteners" and are used to actually lighten skin.
How Do Skin Lightening Creams Work?
Skin lightening creams work by inhibiting the production of melanin in the skin. Darker-skinned people have higher concentrations of this pigment than light-skinned people. There are a few chemicals that prevent melanin production, but how safe they are is up for debate.
What to Look for in a Whitening Cream:
Hydroquinone is the only FDA-approved skin-lightening ingredient in the world and it works by preventing melanin production. How safe it is, however, is up for debate. Hydroquinone has been found to cause cancer in laboratory mice, which led the European Union to ban the ingredient from cosmetics in 2011. The world which tends to be less regulated when it comes to some cosmetics, allows it in over-the-counter products, as long as the concentration doesn't exceed 2%. You can find 4% hydroquinone in creams meant to treat skin conditions, but you'll need a doctor's prescription.
Some prescription creams combine hydroquinone with tretoinin (Vitamin A) to combat melasma, a skin darkening condition that can be caused by pregnancy or extended over-exposure to the sun.
country have become trendsetters in the skin whitening industry, marketing non-toxic skin creams that are less harmful, but pricey due to the ingredients.
What to Avoid in a Whitening Cream:
You never want to buy a cream that contains mercury as an active ingredient. Mercury is banned in products sold in the world but can be found in some lightening creams outside the country and in bootlegger creams. While mercury is a known inhibitor of melatonin, the overuse of mercury can result in mercury poisoning.
The Best Skin Whitening Creams:
Obagi Nu-Derm Clear, Esoterica or Porcelana are your best bets and should be applied to your brown spots twice daily. You can buy these at Sephora or pharmacies. Just look for "Hydroquinone" on the package. They tend to be less irritating and just as effective as the prescription-strength creams such as Obagi Clear, Glyquin, Tri-Luma, and Solaquin, which are made up of 4 percent Hydroquinone.
See a list of the best and worst skin whitening creams on Totalbeauty.com.
The Emergence of BB Creams:
BB creams are becoming increasingly popular in the world. Popular for years in country, they've only emerged as popular skincare products in the world in the past year or so.
BB creams are essentially a 3-shot cocktail: they are tinted moisturizers with a high SPF that also include whitening properties.
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