Wednesday 10 December 2014

Unhealthy Breakfast Choices To Avoid.

Unhealthy Breakfast Choices To Avoid.

Over the years, many companies have started to implement on-the-go options and alternatives to skipping what's known as the, "most important meal of the day." Most consumers are aware of the blatantly sugary and fatty breakfast options, but what about the not so obvious options?

Many breakfast shakes, bars and drinks are claiming to provide the consumer with daily nutritional needs and a low calorie option. However, many of them are just the opposite. These breakfast options are usually processed, high in sugar and/ or sodium; not to mention they are low in nutritional value and can sometimes contain double the calories that the average breakfast should contain.

We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. That is why, it is always advisable to have a heavy breakfast and start your day. But most of us are very busy in the mornings. Thus we end up making very unhealthy breakfast choices. Our main intention is to make out quick and easy breakfast. And in trying to do so, we make unhealthy breakfast choices. Morning foods are our first calorie intake for the day and they need to be proper.

You need to have a wholesome breakfast but not a high calorie one. For example, fried potatoes and burger will give you lots of calories but very little energy and that is why they are not the right morning foods for you. Unhealthy breakfast choices can actually ruin your entire day. First of all, the wrong kind of morning foods will cause acidity. Secondly, if you make unhealthy breakfast choices, you will be consuming too many calories early in the morning.

Thirdly, you should avoid all types preserved and stale foods for breakfast; they sap your energy by adding toxins to your body. Here are some unhealthy breakfast choices that you should try to avoid in the mornings.

It is really very hard to make healthy pancakes. They contain fattening flour, butter and sugar in large amounts. It is too sweet and calorie rich dish to start your day.

Sweet Cereals:
While breakfast cereals are healthy, you need to keep an eye on their 'contents' list. Some cereals taste good because they have added sugar and artificial flavours.

White Bread:
White bread is one of the worst things to have in the morning. It has very little nutrition value and is filled with yeast that can give you a bloated feeling.

Coffee n Biscuits
Coffee can be used to awaken your senses and refreshed. But if you are packing off breakfast with a cup of coffee and biscuits, then its a very meagre breakfast that gives you almost no nutrition.

Fried Potatoes :
Many breakfast platters come with a portion of fried potato wedges. However, it is extremely unhealthy to consume such cholesterol rich foods for breakfast. Try replacing fried potatoes with hashed browns.

Instant Noodles:
All of us are hungry in they morning. To fill your growling belly, you may be tempted to eat quick breakfast foods like instant noodles. It is filled with empty calories and too much sodium so avoid this unhealthy breakfast choice.

Fried Chicken :
Last night's leftover deep fried chicken is not the best dish to begin your day with. It is full of trans fat and the proteins that you get from the chicken are all stale an denatured!

Just Milk:
Milk is a great beverage to wash down the food that you eat for breakfast. On its own, milk is not sufficient as a breakfast. And having milk empty stomach can actually make you very gassy.

Many busy bees stock up doughnuts in their refrigerator and heat it for breakfast. Doughnuts are basically desserts and although they can give you a sugar high, they do not give you the wholesome energy you need from your breakfast.

Rice :
Believe it or not, many people across the world eat rice with curries and dals early in the morning. Rice has too much starch that will make you sluggish and sleepy in the morning. It is a breakfast that is really too heavy!

Cheesy Bites:
Large dollops of cream and cheese are unhealthy breakfast choices. A few bites of cheese may be appropriate but having double cheese sandwiches and molten cheese dips are certainly too fattening.

Buttery Scones:
Scones are traditionally eaten for breakfast but everything that is customary is not healthy. Scones have lots of polished flour (refined carbs), yeast and too much butter. It is filled with calories and should be eaten rarely.

Ready-to-drink Juices :
Ready-to-drink juices that you store for months in your refrigerator are far from healthy. You are not getting the fresh nutrients of the fruits. Instead you get sheer sugar syrup and loads of toxic preservativeS.

Fried Eggs :
Eggs are ideally seen as healthy breakfast foods. But when you fry eggs with oil, they become too cholesterol loaded. You should ideally have poached or boiled eggs.

Hamburgers are filling early in the morning, but they have little nutrition value and are extremely fattening.

Pastries like doughnuts are desserts. They will give you an instant sugar high in the mornings that will not last. You need something more substantial for breakfast that will keep you filled till lunch.

Frozen Cold Cuts :
Cold cuts are easy to have for breakfast. All you have to do is heat them. But cold cuts have preservatives and your morning meals should be as fresh as possible.

Heat n Eat Wraps:
The latest trend for busy working professionals is to buy vegetable or chicken wraps that have to be just heated. These heated meals contain degenerated meat and vegetables that are too stale to be healthy

Gravy Beans:
While baked beans are healthy foods for breakfast, gravy beans are not. Gravy beans contain too much salt and are filled with spices to go down well with your empty stomach.

French Toast:
French toast is a delicious breakfast but an unhealthy one. First of all, it is deep fried and contains unnecessary calories. Secondly, French toast is usually made with white bread that is filled with yeast and empty calories.

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