1. You regularly eat breakfast:-
Eggs are loaded with cysteine, an amino acid that helps neutralize toxic compounds in our bodies (specifically the liver) and aids in the formation of the antioxidant compound glutathione. Other breakfast detoxifiers? Citrus fruits are antioxidant-packed, and may be similarly beneficial to your body's natural detox system by boosting activity of the enzyme, glutathione S-transferase (GST). High activity of GST has been linked to protection against carcinogens. Try squeezing lemon into tea and water, and adding grapefruit or orange slices with breakfast, or tossed into salads.
2. You cook with inulin:-
Leeks, onions, and garlic are all sources of inulin, a prebiotic, which is a type of fiber that helps beneficial bacteria to develop — also known as probiotics. Since research has suggested that prebiotics can help promote the overall health of your gut, they may also play a role in overall immune function and boost your body's natural elimination of toxins.
3. You know the importance of B-vitamins:-
Vitamins B6, B12, and the B vitamin folate all breakdown in the body to serve as metabolic cofactors that aid with digestion, cell function, and metabolism — thus boosting your body's detox power. Snack on bananas for vitamin B6, choose lean protein sources like poultry and fish for B12, and mix folate-packed leafy greens like spinach into your sautés for an extra dose of the B's.
4. You often add cauliflower, cabbage, and collards to meals:-
Cruciferous veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, arugula, and kale are full of fiber, which means they help your gut with regular and consistent removal of toxins and waste. They also contain compounds called glucosinolates, which research has suggested may prevent pre-cancerous cells before they can affect our bodies.
5. You make and eat soups:-
Lentils and beans, your primary chili and soup mainstays, provide an excellent source of the immune-promoting zinc, which is key to normal metabolic processes and needed to aid digestion and liver metabolism.
6. You drink smoothies with yogurt:-
Eating foods with live probiotic cultures such as Greek yogurt can help promote a healthy environment in your gut. Think of your GI tract as the bodyguard of your immune system. And your gut is the first line of defense against harmful toxins or bacteria, so maintaining a healthy gut is essential to helping your body naturally detox the way it should.
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