Wednesday, 15 October 2014

How to Conquer Your Salt Cravings

If you're constantly reaching for chips or pretzels throughout the day, you're probably eating a lot more salt than you think. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the recommended daily allowance for adults is less than 2,300 milligrams  about a teaspoon of table salt. Yes, that little. So why are you eating so much? Often there's a reason you're craving it, and understanding why and how to "say no" is the first step to cutting back.

1. Understand your triggers

Jot down every time you reach for something salty and look for emerging patterns. Are you bored? Did you just finish an intense workout? Toby Amidor, MS, RD, and author, says there are many reasons why you might want salt. It's composed of sodium and chloride, both of which our bodies need to properly function. Surprisingly, some cravings might come as a result of trying to curb your salt consumption, while others are tied to your emotions like excitement and stress.

Another reason? Sweating. "After intense exercise or a sweltering day, you lose electrolytes," says Amidor. "Your body may crave something salty, signaling that it's low in sodium." Keep in mind that salt cravings could also be associated with an underlying medical condition, so Amidor suggests seeing your physician if symptoms persist.

2. Get support.

Curbing your salt intake can be hard, but there are great resources available to help you. "The American Heart Association is committed to reducing the risk for cardiovascular disease and helping people implement those recommendations by providing practical resources," says Linda Van Horn, Ph.D., R.D. The Association is on the front lines working with government and industry to reduce salt in the country's food supply. Visit to take a pledge to reduce your sodium intake and access helpful videos, information, and quizzes.

3. Learn new habits.

"Eating is a learned behavior," says Van Horn. One way to stop your cravings is to simply reduce the amount that you consume. "In as little as three weeks, a person can significantly reduce their threshold for salt, and even find that foods they previously craved now taste too salty," says Van Horn. "It's an adaptation phenomenon that can help reprogram those cravings." The next time you're tempted to eat pretzels or order a side of fries, opt for something with less salt. Eventually you'll learn to crave the food less.

4. Swap salt for new foods.

Counteract limiting your salt by increasing other flavors in your diet. Van Horn suggests adding herbs and spices like garlic, basil, and oregano on vegetables. Just make sure to satisfy your cravings in a healthy way, says Amidor: "If you're craving something salty, snack on whole grain crackers topped with cheese (about one ounce). If you're craving junk foods such as chips, then stick to just one portion (about 15 chips)."

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