Constipation is a very common digestive disorder that affects people of all ages. Constipation causes difficulty passing stools and may even lead a person to strain too much to empty the excessively hard stools.
Other symptoms are bloated abdomen, abnormally small or large stools, acidity, loss of appetite, bad breath, headache, depression, acne, and mouth ulcer.
Some of the main causes of constipation are poor diet, insufficient water intake, irregular defecation habit, lack of physical activity, weakness of abdominal muscles, hemorrhoids, stress, intake of certain medications, and laxative abuse.
This problem can be very frustrating aside from causing discomfort. There are many home remedies to enhance the functionality of your digestive system and treat constipation. These remedies are very easy to follow and very powerful.
Here are the top 10 home remedies for constipation.
1. Lemon:
Lemons, or more specifically the juice from lemons, can treat constipation as it stimulates the digestive system and gets things moving . This is one of the simplest and most effective treatments that you can try at home.
Extract the juice of half a lemon and add it to a glass of warm water. You can also add a pinch of rock salt or one-half teaspoon of table salt and a little honey to it.
Drink the lemon water first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. You can also drink a glass of this solution in the evening.
Follow this remedy daily and expect results within a few days.
2. Fennel:
Fennel seeds are useful in treating issues like indigestion, bloating, constipation and irritable bowel syndrome as they encourage smooth muscle movement in the digestive tract.
Take one cup of fennel seeds and dry roast them.
Then, grind them and sieve the mixture.
Store this tasty and digestive powder in a jar.
Take half a teaspoon of this powder daily with warm water.
3. Figs:
Figs are very high in fiber and act as a natural laxative. Those suffering from chronic constipation should include figs in their diet. For the treatment of constipation, both fresh and dried figs can be used. When fresh figs are available, eat them with their skin on. The skin contains most of the fiber and calcium.
Take two to three almonds and dried figs.
Soak them in water for a few hours.
Peel the almonds and grind the ingredients.
Take this paste with one tablespoon of honey at night.
4. Castor Oil:
Being a stimulant laxative, castor oil stimulates the small and large intestines and improves the bowel movement. Simply swallow one to two teaspoons of castor oil on an empty stomach. To improve the taste, you can take it with a fruit juice.
Within a few hours, you will notice a huge improvement in your condition. You must not repeat this remedy for a prolonged period as it can cause side effects.
5. Honey:
Honey is highly beneficial in relieving constipation as it acts as a mild laxative. You can have it daily to prevent as well as treat constipation.
Consume two teaspoons of honey three times a day.
You can also mix one tablespoon each of honey and lemon juice in a glass of warm water. Drink it every morning on an empty stomach.
6. Flax Seed:
Flax seed has many medicinal properties along with tons of fiber and omega-3 fatty acids. Also, flaxseed has a laxative property, which can be very useful in curing mild to very serious cases of constipation.
Mix one tablespoon of flax seed in a glass of water and allow it to rest for two to three hours. Drink the water daily before going to bed. In the morning, your bowel movement will be much better.
Alternatively, you can simply eat two to three tablespoons of ground flax seed with a glass of water.
7. Grapes:
Grapes contain insoluble fiber that helps produce regular bowel movements.
Eat a small bowl of grapes or half a glass of fresh grape juice daily.
Another option is put 10 to 12 dry seedless grapes in milk, boil it for a few minutes and drink the solution in the evening. This particular remedy works great for young children who have constipation and to prevent future episodes of it.
If fresh grapes are not available, then eat raisins soaked in water for a day or two. You must eat the soaked raisins along with water on an empty stomach in the morning.
8. Spinach:
Spinach is really good for the digestive tract, especially when you are suffering from constipation. Raw spinach has various components that can cleanse, reconstruct and regenerate the whole intestinal tract.
To get rid of constipation, you must include spinach in your diet. You can eat it either raw or cooked, depending on how you like it.
If you have severe constipation, drink a mixture of one-half glass of raw spinach juice and one-half glass of water, twice daily. Within a few days, you will get much relief.
9. Molasses:
Molasses is one of the best natural laxatives to get your bowels moving.
Eat one teaspoon of blackstrap molasses before going to bed. If you do not like the taste, you can mix it with milk, fruit juice or prune juice. If the problem persists, increase the dosage to one to two tablespoons.
Another remedy is to mix two to three tablespoons of molasses with an equal amount of peanut butter and eat it in the morning.
As molasses contains high calories, you must not follow these remedies on a daily basis.
10. Water and Fiber:
Most often, the cause of constipation is lack of fiber in the diet. Fiber is a kind of material that binds to water in the intestine. This adds volume to the stool and the water softens the stool.
It is essential to eat high-fiber foods like beans, potatoes, carrots, brown rice, prunes, wheat germ, fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, all kinds of nuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, broccoli, peas, and so on. You can also opt for fiber supplements.
Also, when suffering from constipation, it is very important to drink enough fluids. Make sure to drink about eight to 10 glasses of water daily.
For best results, put water in a copper vessel overnight and drink it first thing in the morning. This will stimulate bowel movements and give you good results within a few days.
Along with water, you can also drink fresh vegetable juice and fruit juice throughout the day. Avoid alcoholic beverages and caffeine as both cause dehydration and can make your condition worse.
Remember that you need to follow the remedies for some time to find out which suits you best. If, however, the problem is not solved with these natural treatments, contact your doctor.
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