Neck contributes a lot to a beautiful posture. It is like a frame on which the picture of our face is displayed. A bad frame will destroy the look of a beautiful picture. But then too we tend to neglect our neck more often. Most of time and money is spent on facial care.
Sometimes you may notice that the complexion on your neck is way too darker than that of your face and it may stand out starkly. If you are finding that the skin on your neck is getting too darker when compared to your face, it would be prudent to rule out underlying hormonal disease. If hormonal problem has been ruled out in your case and if the skin darkening is not that severe, you can make use of some homemade treatments to lighten up the skin tone on your neck and also use some other not-so-natural remedies. Want to know, what are they?
1. Bleaching:
Bleaching belongs to the not-at-natural category. Bleaching does help in getting rid of tan. Remember to follow all the instructions mentioned on the pack and a patch test to rule out any sensitivity is mandatory, don’t skip it. Bleaching can be done once or twice in a month and if the darkening of the skin is not due to hormonal reasons, it would show immediate effect. Our recommendation would be Oxyglow bleach.
2. Milk, Honey, and Lemon Pack For Discolored Neck:
This beauty pack can help you in getting rid of discoloration on your neck and back. To make this pack, you only need a few easily available ingredients such as lemon, milk, honey, and almond oil. Mix all these ingredients in a bowl and apply it on your neck and back. Leave it on for 20 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water. Try this remedy for 15 days and you would be able to see good results.
3. Homemade Coffee Body Scrub:
Body scrubs can help you to get rid of the dead skin cells and stubborn tan. Just like the face, it’s important to exfoliate your neck to slough off dead skin cells to get soft and smooth skin. If the skin on your neck is unusually darker than the skin on your face, try to recall the last time you had exfoliated your neck skin. You can make this awesome coffee and sugar body scrub to exfoliate skin, reduce the appearance of fine lines, hyper pigmentation, and to soften the skin. To make this scrub, you will need ground coffee beans, white/brown sugar, vanilla extract (for fragrance), olive oil, honey, and rosemary essential oil. In the coffee, add the sugar and all other ingredients and mix well. Scrub your neck with this mixture and do this regularly to get rid of the tan.
4. Kasturi Manjal, Green Tea, and Rice Pack:
Kasturi manjal or ambi haldi is cosmetic form of turmeric which lightens skin tone and would not leave a stubborn stain behind. This pack can lighten and brighten your skin. Green tea provides the much-needed antioxidants to repair skin damage and the milk used in this pack would lighten and moisturize the skin. As you all know, honey is a natural bleaching agent. To make this pack, mix 1 tbsp of turmeric and rice powder in a bowl, add milk cream into it. Then, continue to add 1 tbsp green tea and honey. Mix it well and apply this pack on to your face and neck. Let it sit on for 20 minutes to half an hour and rinse off with lukewarm water.
5. Cucumber and Lemon Pack:
This is an excellent anti-tan pack. Both lemon and honey are natural bleaching agents that would clear the tan. Grate half a cucumber and grind it into a juice form. Squeeze half a lemon into the juice. Take a cotton pad and apply this potion on to your neck and back. Let it sit on your skin for half an hour to one hour and rinse off with lukewarm water. Do this regularly and you would be able to see the tan fade off gradually.
6. Besan, turmeric, curd, lemon pack:
Did you know Aishwarya Rai swears by besan in her beauty routine. It’s her best beauty treatment it seems. A combination of besan, turmeric, curd, with a good squeeze of lemon would lighten and remove even stubborn tan. Do this regularly to see the results.
7. Potato and lemon pack:
Potato contains natural bleaching agents, same as lemon. Grate half a potato and make it into juice form. Squeeze in half a lemon and apply this mixture on the neck and back area. Wait for 30 minutes before rinsing.
8. Saffron and Milk Pack:
Saffron as you all know has skin lightening agents. To make this pack, add 3 drops of lemon into 4 tbsp of warm milk and drop in 4 strands of saffron. Let this mixture sit for a few hours. Apply on the neck and leave it on for half an hour to one hour. Rinse off with lukewarm water. Do this regularly to get rid of the tan.
9. Saffron and Yogurt Pack:
This has been tried and tested by Neha and me. This pack works in removing tan and lighten skin tone awesomely. To make this pack, you need to soak a few saffron strands in curd/yogurt overnight. Keep it in the fridge and in the morning the curd would turn completely yellow/orange. Add 1 tbsp of besan to this mixture and apply it on your face and neck. Do this regularly to get rid of dark skin on your neck and face.
10. Tomato, curd, and lemon pack:
Tomatoes can remove the stubbornest and oldest of tans. They also act as natural exfoliators and also have skin lightening properties. Make juice out of half a tomato, add 1 tbsp of curd, and squeeze in half of lemon. Mix well and apply on the neck, do this once or twice a week or more frequently to get rid of the tan.
So why are they so-often called age spots? It's simply because repeated exposure to the sun causes these flat, rounded, brown areas that usually appear on the back of hands, but also on our face, neck and shoulders. Sun worshippers can get brown spots on their skin as early as their 20's or 30's.
In addition, as we age, our skin has a harder time regenerating from sun damage, unless we are wise enough to learn how to treat our skin naturally.
These spots are also called a liver spot but they seem to have no connection to the liver. I say "seem" because future research may show a connection that isn't obvious at this time.
Regardless of what we want to call them, they're definitely unsightly. So here are some ideas on how to get rid of age spots, and either prevent them from ever forming or not allowing any new ones.
Dark Skin Spots Prevention:

Sorry, but the spots on your skin are caused by the sun's ultraviolet rays so if you don't ever get them in the first place, you won't have to wonder how to fade sun spots 20 years (or two years!) from now bcuz you won't have any.
2. If you simply can't or won't avoid the sun then at least limit your hours of exposure.
If you really want skin sun spots, then spend time outdoors during peak hours:
10AM – 4PM in the spring summer and fall
10AM – 2PM in the winter
If you're a gardener, or have other outdoor chores, try and avoid these times of day.
3. If you're invited to an outdoor event that is simply irresistible, then look for shade.
An umbrella, a pergola or a shady tree is a terrific alternative to full sun and just might avoid skin spots treatment in your future.
4. Even if it's hot, wear clothing that is both light-colored and tightly woven.
The light color reflects the sun's ray, rather than absorbing it and tightly woven fabric keeps out the sun's dangerous UV rays, unlike loosely woven garments.
5. If you do go out in the sun,
even if it's just to cut the grass, rather than bake in the sun for a sultry tan, use a high quality sunscreen. Frankly, this is a toughie because I've never found a sunscreen I really like since most of them are loaded with chemicals. Still, it's better to wear the chemicals and wash them off as soon as you get out of the sun than to overexpose your tender skin.
Another advantage of sunscreens is that you will prevent any more sun spots on your skin and keep the ones you already have from getting darker. Just remember to periodically re-apply your sunscreen since perspiration or water will wash its protection away.
For shorter periods, a sunscreen with an SPF [Sun Protection Factor] of at least 15 is needed.
For a all-day stay on the beach, tennis court or golf course, use at least a 30SPF cream.
And be sure to apply them 15-30 minutes before going outside.
6. Wear a hat.
I usually wear a baseball cap, but it doesn't really protect my ears or neck, so it's actually a pretty lousy choice. Researchers recommend a hat with at least a 4" brim.
Straw hats or hats with a porous or wide-weave fabric don't do the job because the sun can shine right on through. Actually, there are hats made with 'sun protective' fabric inside and if you choose one of these, wide a wide brim, that will be the best protection you can get from a hat or cap.
7. Remember your lips:
it's not impossible to get dark skin spots on your lips. Yuck! Lipstick is a slight protection, but unless it has a high SPF and some do it really isn't that much help. And besides, when we're outside we're often working, playing and sweating and so our lipstick wears off leaving naked lips. Some lip balm is helpful, but remember this vulnerable area when in the sun.
Get Rid Of The Age Spots You Already Have:
* Well known products include Palmer's Skin Success Cream or Porcelana and they are frequently recommended as age spot treatments. But, I caution you NOT to use these products. They are loaded with dangerous chemicals. Palmer's, for instance, gets a hazard rating of 10 from the Cosmetic Safety Base considering the highest possible hazard rating is a 10, this isn't too encouraging.
Porcelana has multiple hazardous ingredients in its innocent jar, including two forms of dangerous parabens.
Hydroquinone USP (2%), Octinoxate (2.5%). Inactive Ingredients: Water, Mineral Oil, Glyceryl Stearate, Cetyl Alcohol, Isopropyl Palmitate, PEG-100 Stearate, Propylene Glycol, Emulsifying Wax NF, Stearic Acid, Hydroxyethylcellulose, Tocopheryl Acetate, Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate, Beta Carotene, Disodium EDTA, C13-14 Isoparaffin, Sodium Metabisulfite, Citric Acid, BHT, Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Diazolidinyl Urea, Fragrance.
The most famous and most-used ingredient for removing brown spots is Hydroquinone but it is a controversial agent. It's been used for decades and it definitely is effective as a spot remover … but high doses have caused cancers in mice. Whether this has any relation to the human body is unknown at this time.
9. A product called Wart Stick has an extraordinarily high concentration of Salicylate Acid:
40%. Some have recommended using it on brown spots but after searching the Net I was unable to find an ingredient list. So, its safety is unknown.
Home Remedies As Treatment For Age Spots:
10. A home remedy that some swear by is to mix 1/4 cup borax with one half cup granulated sugar in a glass jar. Cover and let stand for 48 hours. Once a day, stir the mixture and use a Q-tip to get this mixture on your spot.
11. Another home remedy is to mix 1 teaspoon of borax with two tablespoons glycerin and 3/4 cup of water. Apply like above.
12. Fresh lemon slices will get rid of age spots on some people. Cut a slice of fresh lemon and place it on your spot for 10-15 minutes per day.
13. Aloe vera gel is famous for promoting great looking skin and, if used twice per day, will gradually fade dark spots.
14. Mix a couple of ice cubes with a handful of fresh dandelion leaves and liquify this in a blender. Strain before using on discolored skin.
15. Grate horseradish into either vinegar or buttermilk and allow the mixture to sit for several hours. Buttermilk has been used as a skin lightener for decades.
Yes, these last remedies will take longer – but they're much safer. Whatever you choose, be patient because your brown spots won't fade quickly. They're stubborn!
Remove Skin Spots At The Doc's Office:
If you're too impatient for OTC products, or you're unconcerned about safety, a doc can haul out her/his trusty prescription pad.
16. Lustra is a prescription-only cream with a higher concentration of Hydroquinone than OTC products: 4%. Most people see results in about 28 days.
17. There are even stronger prescriptions with stronger bleaching effects with even quicker results than Lustra. These involve adding vitamin A creams (like Renova & Retin-A) to Hydroquinone.
If topical creams and lotions don't handle the problem, more drastic measure are available.
18. Cryotherapy is the use of extreme cold to destroy damaged tissue. This is effective with age spots usually using liquid nitrogen to freeze your dark spots and they will peel off in less than a week.
19. Chemical peels are sometimes effective for removing age spots. The peeling agent is usually either Trichloroacetic Acid or Glycolic Acid. The spots will be gone from your face in 2-3 days. However, be careful who does this procedure! If not done correctly, it can result in scarring.
If All Else Fails:
Hide The Spots On Your Skin :
If skin sun spots really bother you, there are obviously a multitude of ways to fade dark spots. You will have to make choices that involve time for fading, safety, expensive and discomfort. Clearly, no one answer is right for everyone.
Some simple exercises for neck:
• Sit straight and rotate your neck first in clockwise and then in anti clockwise direction. Do it 5 times each. neck
• Try pronouncing the vowels (A, E, I, O, U) without closing your mouth. Repeat it thrice.
• Rotate your tongue in circular motion without opening your mouth. Do it in both clockwise and anti clockwise direction several times.
• Put your lower lip over the top lip and hold it for few seconds. Repeat this exercise ten times in a day.
Always remember to:
neck cream
• Keep your posture right and neck straight to avoid any neck related problems.
• Instead of a soft mattress try sleeping on a firm mattress.
• Gentle message always helps to relieve stress.
• Neck exercises should be performed to avoid stiffness.
• Exfoliate your neck to remove dead skin.
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