Friday 12 December 2014

Why Moms Are Important?

Why Moms Are Important?

We all know the importance of a mother's love and care, but a recent study about the scientific importance of nurturing got us thinking: Are there mental health benefits to mommy love?

"A mother's love is extremely important for the healthy emotional outcome of her children," says Ridgefield therapist Janet Esposito. "In most cases, it is the mom who is the primary caregiver, and how she loves her children greatly affects their lives."

The latest study on mother love Why is this important? The hippocampus is crucial for learning, memory and our response to stress. "It validates something that I think is intuitive that we've known throughout history, but maybe haven't emphasized the importance of enough: Just how important nurturing parenting is to creating adaptive human beings."

Mother’s Day is a day you get to show your mom (or the mother of your children) how grateful you are that she is in your life. Don’t waste the opportunity. By the way, there are many more than ten reasons, but that was all I could fit in this blog.

*If it weren’t for your mom, you wouldn’t be breathing right now. If nothing else, you should thank her for that.
*Mothers are the emotional backbones of the family. They provide the holding place for everyone’s feelings and do their best to keep us from being hurt.
*Who would kiss your boo-boos to make it all better if she weren’t around? Mothers have the magic touch (and kiss) to help us heal our wounds, physical and emotional.
*Truly, our mothers worked hard and made sacrifices, so our lives would be better. There are not a lot of people willing to do that, so let her know you appreciate it.
*Mothers are forgiving so forgive her in return. Perhaps nothing will be as valuable a gift to both of you as forgiveness. Open your heart and drop your resentments. Now that’s love.
*When you want to climb the tallest mountain, your mother will make your lunch for you. She is the one who will support your dreams when no one else will. She will also remind you to wear clean underwear.
*Her boundaries made you a better person. You may not have liked some of her decisions, especially when you wanted to party with your friends, but she did keep you out of trouble. Look at some of your friends without a mom who has cared that much.
*A mother’s ears and eyes hear and see everything. They also have a computer-like memory for all the good (and some of the bad) that came your way. It’s nice to have someone with whom you can reminisce about your whole life.
*Mom taught you to be a functioning adult. That was her job, and without that, making it through the modern world would be very hard. Your mom may have forced you to do your homework, but now you see how important it was.
*A mother’s smile, when it is directed toward you, makes your day a whole lot better. All she needs is to know that she has helped you to be and feel your best.

 As with most holidays, Mother’s Day comes only once a year. Make it special for her, and it will come back to you. There is something beyond words to express to the person who helped you to walk and talk, who gave you your first puppy, who helped you with school, and who gave you all the love she possibly could. Show her you care by acknowledging her value in your life. And if you don’t have your mom around, take someone who is like a mother to you out for brunch.

Importance of a Father's Involvement:

A father's love is just as important to a child's development as a mother's, and sometimes more so, suggests a new review of about 100 studies.Researchers found that, overall, the love  or rejection  of mothers and fathers equally affects kids' behavior, self-esteem, emotional stability, and mental health. "But in some cases, the withdrawal of a father's love seems to play a bigger role in kids' problems with personality and psychological adjustment, delinquency, and substance abuse. And for others, the presence of a father's love may do more to boost children's sense of well-being and improve their emotional and physical health.

More research is needed to explain these connections. The issue is not who's more important but recognizing that dads are key in all the ways moms are. "We hope findings like these will encourage men to become more involved in their children's care. "Then the whole family benefits."
The Man Who Would Be Dad, Hogan Hilling recounts personal stories of being the stay-at-home dad of three sons. He points out that mothers and fathers need to trust each other to care for their children in their own way. "Moms also need to encourage their husbands to participate in their children's care, whether it's dressing the baby or going to doctor's appointments," who has helped develop several dad programs.

In Dads and Daughters, explains that a father's relationship with his daughter is important because he's the first man she'll get to know in life. In other words, he's the standard for what she'll expect of a man and lifelong partner. who is the executive director of Dads and Daughters, a national nonprofit organization based encourages fathers to listen to their girls and  just as they would with their boys  be physically active with them. "A father who plays with his daughter  shooting hoops, kicking a ball around, taking walks together is making a payment on an insurance policy that she'll grow up to be confident and strong.

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Author & Editor

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